She don't care

19 1 0

Cassidys POV

Song of the chapter: P!ATD-Victorious

"Um its not what it looks like. I promise."

I said to Ally. She nodded.

"Uh huh. And what does it look like?"

She put a manicured finger nail on her lips. "Shush. I can guess you fell and hit something. And he is trying to help you."

Okay then. "How can you tell?" 

"Tonight we are victorious....Champagne pouring over us
...All my friends were glorious
....Tonight we are victorious

....Tonight we are victorious...Champagne pouring over us
. All my friends were glorious.
Tonight we are victorious

. Oh we gotta turn up the crazy
...Livin' like a washed-up celebrity
...Shooting fireworks like it's the Fourth of July
...Until we feel alright
....Until we feel alright..."

"Oh thats my phone." I stood up to get my phone. It was someone calling. "Helloooo?"

"Hello from the OTHER SIDE. I must have called a thousand times to tell you, I'm okay."

I glared at him and Jackson sat back down.

I could not help but laugh. He was making a reference to the song Hello by Adele.

"Hey. Cassidy?" A man.

"Yes. Speaking. Who is this?"

"Oh um. This is Eric. I found your number in my phone and I wanted to say sorry. For everything."

"Okay, thats cool."

"CASSIDY. Who is it?" Jackson got up really close to my ear before I pushed him away. "Get!"

"I have to go.....sooooo.....later." I said.

"No I wanted to ask you out to coffee or something. It don't have to be coffee. It could be hot chocolate or ice cream. It doesn't matter. I just want to make it up to you."

"Okay. Sure. Um. How about tomorrow?"

"Sure. I will pick you up."

"Okay. Later dude."

We hung up.

"Who was it?"

"It was Eric."

"OH hell no. What did you agree to?"

"Um coffee. I think."

"ARE YOU INSANE???? That is A DATE!!!" Jackson sounded really pissed.


"Are you kidding me?"

"Whats your problem?"

I quoted him from earlier, "We aren't a couple though, so you are not my boyfriend."

"ARFGHHHAG FUCK." He screamed then stormed up the stairs into my bedroom.

"You know, he's like head over heels in love with you."

I heard my bedroom door slam. I looked at my Aunt and glared. 

"He said earlier that we weren't a couple, then he gets jealous? Over what?"

"Because. You took the chase away from him. Honey listen. Men have a need to chase women. It makes them feel, empowered. Stronger."

"What are you talking about?"

"You told him you liked him? Right?"

"Kinda. Yeah."

"Okay. Now he doesnt have to prove himself to you. He doesnt have to fight for you to like him, you already do. So. Go hang out with this boy. It will make him jealous and want to win you over."

"I dont want to do that thoughhhh." I plopped myself on the couch.

"I dont care what you do. That boy will come around. He clearly likes you. Go tell him." She nodded up the stairs.

"Nooooo. He's mad. I don't want him to get angry with me, and leave."

"He won't." She stood up. "Give your favorite auntie a hug..."

I stood up and and hugged her.

"I love you." 

"I love you too. What do you want for dinner?"

"Not pizza, for once."

"Okay what?"

"Sheppards pie....Yum...."

"Okay. Fine I have to go to the store then, I will be back later."

She grabbed her keys and left. I sat back down on the couch and munched on my pretzels.

"Hey. Cass?"

"Hey Jackson. Whats up?" I turned around and looked at him. 

"I am sorry. As I had said earlier, we arent a couple. Can you forgive me?"

"Yes I can. Now come sit and watch this with me."

"What we watching?" He plopped down beside me.

"Honestly, I have no idea. I have been really playing on my phone."

"Hah sounds great." He looked around. "Wheres your aunt?"

"She went to the store. She is gonna make Sheppards pie." 

"Whats that?"

"OMG NOO. You are SOOO staying for dinner."


"Will you?"



"I think I know what this movie is."

"Really?" I looked at him.

He stared in my eyes.

"Yeah. Its called I-Am-In-Love-With-A-Girl-That-I-Cannot-Ever-Have-Because-I-Screwed-It-Up-Between-Us."

"Really? Sweet."

"No. Thats me." 

I looked at him, and he leaned over. He placed his lips on mine and pulled me close.

"Will you go out with me?"


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