Chapter 6

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"Audrey Greyson" A voice whispered.

Instead of looking at the clock I looked to my side where a boy I've never met or even talked to was sitting. I raised my eyebrow at the stranger who already knew my name. He smiled warmly at me and handed me a note.

I gave him a confused look but opened the note anyway. Instead of just being something I had expected, it was actually a phone number.

"I'm confused are you giving me your number?" I asked the stranger.

"You're really pretty but I would never cheat on my girlfriend. That's from Danny" He tells me with a smile.

Danny? As in Daniel? Oh no. The person who called me Bambi and now almost all the boys seem to be calling me that well,  except for this boy who handed me the note. But, Daniel does seem like a nice person and I never really do hear him call me Bambi anymore.He usually just seats with Rachel and me at lunch along with the rest of the ocean blue-eyed people. I don't talk to him at all though, which is why he probably had this guy give me his number instead of him doing it himself.

Instead of continuing to think about Daniel a question a student asks the professor grabs my attention.

"But, how can a person just leave like that?" A student asks the professor.

This intrigued me to answer it since I obviously knew the answer to that. I raised my hand and the professor gave me a nod to answer it.

"We are afraid to care too much; for fear that other person doesn't care at all. So, we leave them. Don't think twice about it" I say out loud and all eyes are on me.

"Good perspective about it, Ms. Audrey" The professor says and gives me a smile.

Suddenly, the bell rings and the whole room starts to grab their stuff along with me. I sling my bag over my shoulder and start to walk out of the classroom. Then, I suddenly feel someone grab a hold of my wrist. I turn around and there is Douglas with an expression on his face that is unreadable.

"We need to talk," He says to me still continuing to hold my wrist.

"And if I don't want to?" I ask while yanking my wrist out of his hold.

"Audrey, please" He pleads.

I look at him and I feel pity for him already. It was unusual how he could make me just melt for him.

"Okay," I say.

Douglas and I exit the classroom considering people were trying to walk past us every five seconds. Instead, we decided to talk in the hallway. Of course, I had no idea what Douglas wanted to talk to me about. Or, in fact why I wanted him to tell me what it was.

Douglas seemed different today then what he was like days before. He didn't bring off the persona of being conceited or even overconfident at all.

"Look, I'm sorry for the other day it was just I really didn't think you were happy," He explains to me with pushing away a strand of hair away from his eyes.

"Well, I am," I lie to him and to myself.

He stares at me unusually most likely trying to read me. I won't let that happen, I don't want that to happen.

"Alright well nice chat, but I have to go" I say.

"Oh, okay, " He says to me in an awkward tone.

I smile kindly at him trying my best to show that I am content. Though, I'm not at all. But, having two parents who barely even know you or nevertheless your favorite color you learn how to be okay. How to fake a smile or laugh. How to show your content with everything in your life when in reality you're not.

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