Chapter 5: Sleepover Pt. 1

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Aaron's POV

My alarm clock went off and it read 9:30 AM. "Oh right! I have to go check up on Jess and make sure she's okay," I said aloud to myself as I tried finding some clothes to wear. After I finished my shower I put on a gray t-shirt, some dark blue jeans, my red nikes and my blindfold. I checked in my mom's room to see if she was in there and she wasn't "Hm, she must be downstairs," I thought to myself as I went back to my room to fix up my hair and appearance a bit. After I was finished I went downstairs and saw my mom sitting on the couch watching T.V. "Hey mom!" I said as I was trying to grab something to eat from the fridge for breakfast.

"Good morning dear," she said. I went to go sit by my mom on the couch when she asked me about my face. "Aaron, what happened to you?" "What do you mean mom?" "I'm talking about your face having all these scars." "Oh yeah ha. Well I got into a fight with Jess' boyfriend and he did this to me, but I still beat him." "Aaron you know how I feel about violence." "Mom don't worry I only fought him for self defense." "Okay good." I finished eating my food and said bye to my mom before I headed out to the hospital to check up on Jess.

10 mins later

I arrived at the hospital about 5 mins earlier than expected so they told me to go to the waiting room until it was time to see Jess. "Mr. Walker?" "Yes, that's me," I said I was getting up. "You can come see the patient now." We walked to the room where Jess was and she let me enter on my own. I got into the room and saw that she was asleep. "She was sedated last night so there wouldn't be so much pain, but she'll probably wake up in a few minutes," the nurse said as she motioned me to sit on the couch in the room. I thanked her and then she left. I looked at Jess and she was so beautiful when she slept and I just chuckled. I decided to take a nap until she woke up so I would be rested up a bit better.

15 minutes later

Jess' POV

I woke up to the sound of monitor beeping and bright lights. I tried getting up, but my arms still hurt from all the glass that was in them. I looked around the room and then saw Aaron sleeping next to me. He was so cute while he was sleeping. I tried to wake him up by whispering his name, but that didn't work. "Aaron! Wake up!" I yelled at him. He screamed and fell off the couch and onto the floor. "Oh my gosh, Aaron are you okay?!" He raised his thumb up and then said, "I-I'm okay..." I giggled and then he got up and sat back down on the couch.

"I'm so glad you're okay Aaron, but what happened to your face?" I asked as I moved his head to see a scar and some dry blood on his lip and nose. "Ha, don't worry about me Jess I'm fine I just wanted to make sure you were okay," he said as he smiles brightly. I sighed then said, "I'm okay, but I don't remember anything from last night except Garroth *gasp* G-Garroth I can't b-believe...." I started crying and then I burst into tears.

Aaron comforted me immediately and just kept saying, "Shh Shh, it'll be okay Jess," and he just stroked my hair. I'm glad I met Aaron. He doesn't treat me like I'm nothing he treats me with respect and he's just such a nice person. He stopped stroking my hair then said, "You know what Jess I have an idea." "W-What i-is it A-Aaron?" I said in between sniffles. "How about you stay over my house for the weekend until my mom gets back from out of town?" "Would she be okay with?" "Of course! You just have to call your parents and ask." "Okay." "I'll go sign you out of the hospital," he said as he was walking towards the door. "W-Wait Aaron!" He stopped walking and turned around and asked, "What?" I couldn't tell him that I have feelings for him because he probably doesn't feel the same way. "U-Uh I just wanted to say thank you." He smiled then said, "Ha no problem Jess." He walked out and then I said aloud to myself, "Ugh, why did I have to like him?"

Aaron's POV

I signed Jess out of the hospital then we both called our parents to see if she could stay the weekend and she could. I'm really glad that she's staying with me, but it'll be a bit awkward since she just split up with Garroth(the break up happened at the hospital over text) and that I still like her and she probably doesn't have feelings for me. "Snap out of it Aaron! She needs comfort not a new relationship and she probably doesn't even like you," I said to myself in thought.

We walked out side to where the parking lot was and then Jess asked me, "Uh Aaron?" "Yeah?" "Just a quick little question um where's your car. I laughed because I forgot to tell her about my motorcycle. "Oh yeah! Ha funny story well you see I don't have a car I have a motorcycle." "A-A motorcycle?" "Yeah! That's not a problem is it?" "N-No..." "Well okay." We got where my bike was and I started it. "Okay Jess if you wanna live your gonna have to where this helmet and hold onto me tight okay?" I said as I handed her the helmet.

15 mins later

"Okay we're here!" I said to Jess as I tried to get off my bike, but I couldn't because Jess was holding my waist tightly and wouldn't let me go. "Uh Jess?" "Y-Yeah A-A-Aaron?" "Um we're at my house so could you let go of me?" "O-Oh sorry," she said as she let me go and blushed a little bit. I smiled then let her into my house. "Wow Aaron you have a beautiful house." "Not as beautiful as you," I whispered to myself  while putting the helmet on the counter. "Huh? Did you say something Aaron?" "What?! U-Uh no. Just talking to myself!" I said as I was trying to hide from blushing. "Oh okay!" she said as she smiled and walked into the living room.

I knew this was gonna be a long weekend.

OKAY GUYS THAT IS THE NEW CHAPTER! Hope you all enjoyed make sure to vote and leave a comment down below for more and I will see you doods in the next chapter. Buh Bye!

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