Chapter 20: Saying Goodbye

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Aaron's POV

I woke up at and looked around my room to find me laying on my bed and Jess laying on my chest. I smiled to myself and checked what time it was. I quickly lost my smile to a frown because it was 4:30 PM which meant that Jess has to leave in half an hour. I looked at her and she was so beautiful sleeping, but sadly I had to wake her up. "Jess. Jess, wake up," I said as I nudged her. She groaned then turned the opposite side of me so I yelled instead. "Jess wake up!" I said as she jumped. She looked at me,kissed me then asked,"What time is it?" I sadly looked at her then said,"4:30 PM." She frowned then hugged me tight and whispered with tears coming down,"I'm sorry Aaron." I patted her on her back then we left out for her house.

(15 minutes later)

We arrived at Jess' house to see all of her friends there. Alyssa, Cindy, Jason, Austin, Miya, Sean, Johnny, Travis, Erica, Victoria and even Garroth. We both greeted them with warm smiles, hugs and handshakes. We all talked about random stuff and since today was Jess' last day we decided to take a couple pictures before she left. Finally after pictures of mainly us, everyone got into one big group photo and we all took a picture. It was time for everyone to go home so they said their goodbyes to Jess and everyone else and left. Now it was only me left. Jess was about to leave since it was 4:59 so I ran up to her, twirled her around and kissed her. I looked into her eyes then whispered,"Promise you'll never forget me?" She looked up at me, smiled then said,"I promise, Aaron." I took her phone then gave it back and said,"Miya and I made a cover of a song for you so you could have memories." She hugged me tightly then ran into her car and started to drive off. As they drove off rain started pouring down. Great freaking timing rain! I thought to myself as I fell on my knees onto the grass and waved goodbye. I sighed then got on my bike to drive home.

Jess' POV

I waved goodbye to Aaron then put in my headphones to listen to the cover Aaron made.

You and I,
We're like fireworks and symphonies exploding in the sky.
With you, I'm alive
Like all the missing pieces of my heart, they finally collide.

So stop time right here in the moonlight,
Cause I don't ever wanna close my eyes.

Without you, I feel broke.
Like I'm half of a whole.
Without you, I've got no hand to hold.
Without you, I feel torn.
Like a sail in a storm.
Without you, I'm just a sad song.
I'm just a sad song.

With you I fall.
It's like I'm leaving all my past in silhouettes up on the wall.
With you I'm a beautiful mess.
It's like we're standing hand in hand with all our fears up on the edge.

So stop time right here in the moonlight,
Cause I don't ever wanna close my eyes.

Without you, I feel broke.
Like I'm half of a whole.
Without you, I've got no hand to hold.
Without you, I feel torn.
Like a sail in a storm.
Without you, I'm just a sad song.

You're the perfect melody,
The only harmony
I wanna hear.
You're my favorite part of me,
With you standing next to me,
I've got nothing to fear.

Without you, I feel broke.
Like I'm half of a whole.
Without you, I've got no hand to hold.
Without you, I feel torn.
Like a sail in a storm.
Without you, I'm just a sad song.

Without you, I feel broke.
Like I'm half of a whole.
Without you, I've got no hand to hold.
Without you, I feel torn.
Like a sail in a storm.
Without you, I'm just a sad song.
I'm just a sad song.

I was crying a little bit then I fell asleep.

(The Next Day)

Aaron's POV

I woke up to birds chirping and the sunshine. Unlike the outside which felt hot and bright, inside I felt dark and cold. I put on some clothes then my mom called me downstairs. "Yeah mom?" I asked her. She loomed at me with worry then said,"It's Emma, your dad thinks something's wrong with her. We have to leave now." I nodded then we left for Emma and my dad.

(10 hours later)

It was 6:00 PM Florida time and we arrived at the airport so now we had to go to the hospital. We got to the hospital and saw my dad. He explained what happened and told us we had to wait till the doctor called us back into the room Emma was in. We waited for about half an hour then the nurse called us into the room to check up on Emma. We got into the room and she was connected to a couple tubes, but she was awake and smiling. I ran up to her and hugged her and she hugged me back. "I missed ya Em," I said as I pulled away from the hug. "I missed you too, Aaron!" she said smiling with glee. The doctor came in and started talking to us about the tests he started running and after a while of that I finally spoke up then said,"So, doctor does Emma have a disease or not?" He looked at all of us with worry in his eyes then said,"Sadly, yes and the disease she has is...."

Yes guys a cliffhanger I'm sorry, but warning for the next chapter it will be VERY SERIOUS and will deal with ACTUAL RL things. Anyway hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and I will see you later recruits! Buh Bye!

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