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Everybody, everywhere, has heard of the Fire kingdom legend. Tales of it, the people who live there, and the royalty especially, have been told for centuries: from being ghostly sightings to bedtime stories. There was no reason to not know about it. Whether you believed it or not was another matter entirely.

The Fire Kingdom was built on and around a gigantic volcano. The castle which rested on the very top of the volcano was so huge and bright that it lit up the area for miles outside of the kingdom, and the place was completely indestructible.

Fire people were known to be beautiful but deadly if handled the wrong way. They could be bright and warm one minute, then violent and destructive the next. They were everything you would associate with fire and more. Under no circumstances would you get on the bad side of a Fire Person.

Many people believe that The Great Fire of London speed through the city as quick as it did because the blaze was aided by Fire People. And people who thought that were completely correct, but it was only a handful of Fire People who had added to the conflagration: if the entire kingdom had joined in, the place would have been reduced to ash within an hour.

After this occurred, the rulers of the kingdom at the time became stricter, to ensure that nobody in their kingdom ever hurt human beings or caused disasters like that again. The Fire People involved in helping the spread of the Great Fire of London were publicly tortured and executed.

Despite the criminal Fire People being taken care of, humans who had actually found out about them helping with their city's partial destruction became furious and tried to seek out the location of the Fire Kingdom; to make sure that no event like that would ever happen again.

Before they could, though, the royalty of the kingdom cast a spell over the whole place, which only allowed the kingdom to be visible to those who already knew of its location. To the rest of the world, the area in which the Fire Kingdom existed was nothing but a flat area of cracked soil, with no water or plants to be seen throughout the miles and miles of boiling terrain.

As years went by and the royalty of the kingdom changed -either due to being assassinated for being weak rulers or due to cracking under the pressure of being responsible for an entire kingdom-, battles occasionally tore through the Fire Kingdom. This was because some Fire People betrayed their kingdom, by telling and then showing the location to a race of powerful but narcissistic beings from a place below the earth's crust called The Under-Realm.

The Under-Realm was ruled over by a terrible and slightly useless demon, who did not have a name. He did have many nicknames, such as 'The Handsome And Supreme Ruler' and 'Most Powerful One.' It wasn't all that surprising that he had given himself those nicknames. His self-obsession and stupidity were his weaknesses, but also his strengths. He despised failure, and never knew when to surrender.

After each battle the Fire Kingdom won against The Under-Realm, the weak rulers of the kingdom at the time would simply leave the land under the surface of the earth in peace. The Under-Realm's Handsome And Supreme Ruler, outraged and humiliated at his defeat, kept starting battles with the Fire Kingdom hoping for a victory, and this went on for many years, with the numbers of the dead on both sides adding up after each fight.

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