Chapter 24: This is War (2/2)

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20th February 2010

Within the space of six hours, after the first Under-Realm citizen had set foot in the Fire Kingdom, Flame Ash Burned had slaughtered no less than three-thousand of Ariel's army.

Bodies littered the streets of the Fire Kingdom, and the boiling hot ground was soaked in patches of fresh blood. The Under-Realm had experienced the biggest loss, though that wasn't to say that the Fire Kingdom hadn't lost some of its people, too.

The young, sick and elderly were safely hidden away inside the basement of the Fire Castle with enough food to last for a few months. Kate and Lacey guarded the castle, ready to give up their lives protecting the people who couldn't protect themselves.

Those two were the most loyal servants anybody could ask for.

The battle stretched on, all through the day and well into the night. The Fire Kingdom's people and its royalty fought non-stop against Ariel's army, never once surrendering. Those who were killed in battle didn't go down without a fight, and more often than not, they took their attackers down with them.

As Flame walked through the streets, her katana cut through each attacker with ease. They fell at her feet, their agonized screams fading away as their life slipped from their grasp in streams of red liquid.

At first, when she had begun fighting, she hadn't been all that focused. She had received various wounds all over her body, but it wasn't enough to stop her. And now that it was growing late, and the sky was already pitch black, she refused to let fatigue be the death of her.

The war wouldn't stop just because she was tired.

The war would stop when one side was lying dead on the ground.

She hadn't yet encountered Ariel, but knew she must be somewhere close by considering she had heard the nine year old barking orders to a group of her army. Flame's goal was to eliminate her.

Without a leader, the army had no orders to go on.

Without a leader, chaos would ensue.

Without a leader, there was a chance that the Under-Realm would surrender.

Flame took a moment to scan the surrounding area for any signs of an ambush, and saw a tiny boy crouched behind a trash can that had been knocked over in an alleyway.

The poor boy was shaking, hugging his knees to his chest. His glowing orange hair and yellow eyes had turned a dull color, and tears were streaming down his cheeks.

Flame's heart sank. Behind the boy were two bodies - a male and female.

His parents...

The Fire Queen looked behind her quickly, making sure she wasn't about to have someone sneak up on her, before rushing over to the poor little boy and scooping him up into her arms. She crouched behind the trash can and rubbed the little boy's back to comfort him.

"Shhh..." Flame hushed the boy, stroking his hair slowly and calmly. "Shhh..."

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