Chapter 18: Blackout

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23rd December 2009

Flame and Phoenix had turned fourteen years old, and so far, their reign over the Fire Kingdom had gone incredibly smoothly.

After finding all of Magma's diaries, detailing the gruesome way she tortured certain citizens of the Kingdom, they made sure that everybody found out the truth, then let the families of those tortured or killed have the diaries, so that they could reflect on what Magma did and understand fully what had happened to their loved ones.

Nobody was for the idea of Magma returning, and if she did, there was no doubt that the whole Fire Kingdom would destroy her within a second of her setting foot back into their home.

Flame slept soundly in her bed, wearing loose grey pajamas. The pajama shirt had an awkward habit of slipping down over one shoulder, and because Flame had a small frame, it always ended up with her bra being shown.

Being rather busty (having E-cup-sized breasts at the age of fourteen), it wasn't uncommon for Phoenix to stare whenever it happened in front of him in the morning. But when she threatened to kick him in the balls if he didn't stop staring, he always did as he was told and looked away.

Nobody wanted to be kicked in the balls by Flame after seeing her wind Magma with a kick to the abdomen.

"Rise and shine, sleeping beauty!" Kate sung as she skipped into the girl's bedroom and threw open the curtains. Flame groaned under her covers, which caused Kate to laugh. "Come on, sleepyhead! You can't stay under the covers forever!"

"Five more centuries..." Flame whined sleepily, her eyes opening slightly.

"Phoenix has a girlfriend." Kate smirked.

"What?!" Flame shot up out of bed, her hair looking as if she had been dragged backwards through a bush.

"Just kidding." Kate grinned mischievously. "But it made you wake up, didn't it?"

Flame rolled her eyes, a slight smile on her face. She rubbed her eyes and stretched her arms in front of her. "Yeah, but that's only cause it's so unbelievable."

"Oh, are you sure that's all it is?" Kate jumped onto the end of the bed, still grinning. "I think you love him."

"I do not." Flame crossed her arms. "He's like... I don't know... I guess he's like a brother to me more than anything. I mean, there was that time when we kissed, but it was completely accidental, and I guess we are kind of affectionate towards each other, but it's only because we care about each other and missed out on affection due to all the shit we went through as kids. And if either of us started dating someone else, we wouldn't be like that towards each other..."

Kate giggled. Flame sighed, pushing herself out of bed, then motioned for Kate to leave the room, which she did. The Fire Queen changed out of her pajamas into a black tank top with denim short-shorts and a pair of bright red converse. She brushed her hair, sweeping her bangs over her right eye, then made her way downstairs.

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