Chapter 23: This is War (1/2)

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20th February 2010

In the Fire Kingdom, the morning that the war began seemed to start out like any other.

People went about their usual morning routines. Children played on the streets. Brothers and sisters chatted. Mothers and fathers watched TV and read books, or cleaned up after the mess their kids had made during breakfast. Everyone went about their jobs just as they did every day.

In the Fire Castle, however, things were different.

Flame and Phoenix had been expecting some sort of retaliation from the Under-Realm, and so had been working practically non-stop to find ways to ensure the safety of their people and their kingdom.

They could tell that a war was coming.

They had warned their people of the likely probability of a war breaking out between the Fire Kingdom and the Under-Realm, and told everybody to be prepared for when it happened, but that they should carry out their regular routines until they knew for sure that a war was beginning.

As well as this, Flame had instructed the Fire People to spare the innocent and only kill those who are attacking.

She didn't believe that a whole race of people should be wiped out simply because some chose to fight. Not all people are the same. Therefore, the actions of some shouldn't be blamed on all.

She believed that some life is worth protecting, and maybe that was because she experienced her siblings' and her own be cut so short.

And though she believed that life was precious, she had learned from her past that some bad people needed to be eradicated from the world for their actions, and that if someone is trying to take your life, you take theirs first...

"I think it's close, y'know...." Flame told her best friend as she gazed out of the window at the rest of the Fire Kingdom. "We knew it was going to happen. A Fire Person killing the son of the ruler of the Under-Realm couldn't go without consequences. It's going to happen any day now, and it's all my fault, Phoenix..."

Phoenix, who was sat on the couch, looked over at his best friend who stood by the window. He sighed, standing up and walking over to her.

"It's not your fault, Flame." He took her by the hand and led her over to the couch, sitting her down. "You couldn't have ever known that this would happen. And Blackout was a dick, anyway. Cheating on you, cutting over your eye -- I'm glad he's dead, because people like him are a waste of oxygen."

"If I knew this would happen, I never would have-"

"Don't even finish that sentence, British-friend." Phoenix cut her off, hands on his hips. "He's dead, and that's a good thing. All he ever did was lie to you and hurt you. And I'm glad that you managed to stand up to him in the end and call him out for being a liar and a cheater..."

"I guess you're right..." Flame replied quietly. "I just don't want anybody to get hurt, though. I know the plan is to only kill the people who attack, but the probability of some of our people being killed is..." She looked down at the floor. "...It's pretty damn likely."

"I know..." Phoenix responded, sitting beside her. "And honestly, I'm terrified of something happening to you. You know I'm scared of losing you."

Flame knew he was referring to the time when she had almost jumped off the school's roof and the time he had taken her into hospital after she attempted suicide for the second time.

"I'm sorry..." She whispered, leaning her head against his shoulder as he wrapped an arm around her.

"It's alright." He kissed the top of her head. "Things happened that were so bad that you felt like suicide was your only option to make the pain stop. I understand. Once this whole thing with the war is over, I'm going to make sure you get the help you need, as long as you're alright with it."

"Thank you, 'Murican-friend..." Flame smiled slightly, looking up at him.

"No problem, British-friend." He replied, smiling back at her.

"Flame, Phoenix!" Kate rushed in, looking rather anxious. The two immediately turned to look at her.

"What is it, Kate?" They asked, practically at the same time.

"It's the Under-Realm. They've been spotted marching towards the kingdom. They're about half a mile away." Her eyes were wide, and she looked scared half to death. "There are thousands of them. I've given the order for everybody to prepare for an attack, just like you planned, and the young, sick and elderly will be taking refuge in the basement. Everybody else is getting ready to fight."

Phoenix nodded. "Good, good. Make sure the ones who will be in the basement have food, drink, comfort and some form of distraction - we don't know how long this will last. You and Lacey must defend the castle with your lives. Do you understand?"

"Yes, your Highness!" Kate nodded, before dashing out of the living room to gather supplies for those who would be hiding out in the basement, and to prepare herself and Lacey for what was about to happen.

Phoenix looked at Flame. "You ready?"

She nodded. "I'm ready..."


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See ya later, my little demons!

-F (admin)

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