Chapter One - It Was Perfect..

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**Annabelle's P.O.V**

So I'd just got used to the idea of moving house when my dad piled on that I will be going to my new school tomorrow instead of next week. Great. A new pupil joining half way through the week on a p.e day. Yey. I don't even have a uniform so I'm going to be the odd one out, I don't know anyone there so I'm going to be on my own, I don't know what I'm doing in lesson so I'm going to be stuck. Oh my doesn't this sound exciting..


Once I had actually got in and spent a few hours looking for my classes it didn't seem that bad part from I had no.friends but yh know.. Well I wasn't the only one who wasn't wearing uniform, thankfully there were over half the school not wearing it. I guess it was just the geeks who were.

As I stepped into science, Mrs Marple directed me to my seat, next to the gorgous blonde hair boy, I cautiously took my seat not trying to do anything stupid as he was super fit but as it's me i'm the world's biggest cluts so I had to fall, didn't I. I went to put my leg on the blue stool when I lost my balance and fell backwards pulling the chair with me. Everyone was staring at me including the cute one. I could feel my cheeks burning so I take that as they were blood red. Suddenly a hand came sweaping down to reach mine. I looked up and that's when I saw his gazing hazel eyes locked onto mine. I tightly gripped my hand around his, it was so firm it was unreal! He pulled me up and settled me down on my chair. He winked at me and said "Hey, you okay? I'm Chris by the way." added with the most cheekiest smile ever. I was almost certain I was going to faint. I nodded and whispered "I'm Annabelle" he once again gave me the smile. If looks could kill I'm dead.

After science Chris came over to me and asked if I want to hang around with him for today just to get used to the school. Once again he tightly gripped my hand and pulled me off the old bench I had been sitting on for the free period. He introduced me to his mates and their girlfriends but he didn't seem to have one. I'd say that's a crime for such a hansome boy so be single.. Anyway one by one they all said their names and waved at me, part from the girls they hugged me. "I'm josh" - "I'm Sarah" said the first couple "I'm Conner" - "I'm Leona" said the second couple "I'm Jake" he said kissing my hand. "He hem!" his girlfriend yelled "I'm Jess" she said with a smile and last but not least was Jamie and Meg but they were the couple that were always battling with each other tongues.. They all seemed so nice but I still couldn't get out of my head why Chris was single..

It was Art next lesson with Mr McMurphy, thankfully we didn't have a seating plan so I sat next to Chris and Jess who was also in there. I don't know what came over Chris but he just seemed to stare at me the whole lesson. "Do I have something on my face?" I questioned. "No but your missing something from your face" He said smirking. My face suddenly turned from -_- to o.O. He slowly reached over to me and kissed me on the cheek. Oh why oh why do I have to blush after something cute happens.. Jess passed me a note that said 'Be careful x' my face looked once again puzzled, be careful of what? I replied on the note 'what's there to be careful of? x' I soon after got a reply which shocked me a little 'Don't get too interested, he's not what you thinkn Believe me I fell for him too once but then I realised what he does for a living..' I was about to reply back until I saw Chris looking over my shoulder and hugging my hips. I slowly turned around and got an un-expected kiss on the lips and a slapped ass. The weird thing was it I sort of had an orgasm over his hand slapping my ass, my toes began to go numb and I could't speak. He swished his justin bieber like hair to once side and winked sedusively. I looked down and felt my cheeks burning up so I kept my face down until they cooled off. I got a through looks in the classroom, most of the girls were staring at me like I did something wrong. Jess wouldn't even talk to me again. What have I done? I glanced across the classroom to find a blonde haired barbie shaking her head at me, her eyes were bright blie and her lips were perky and pink. Why isn't Chris out with her? She directed to head towards the door and moved her hand so it was telling me to go to it. I slowly got off my chair leaving Chris looking suspicious. I opened the heavy red door and saw that Barbie and her Kens stood outside it waiting for me. I stuttered a little bit but I think she understood me when I said "U-um w-hat i-is t-this?" she came closer to me and whispered "Don't be frightened, it's for your own good hun" she pointed her finger at me and turned around which I guessed signalising them to grab me in which they did...

I was dragged all the way through the corridor, down stairs, through cold storage rooms and then ibto the girls changing room which is where I found nearly half the schools population of girls sat in a circle crying. I was frightened but worried. Why were they crying? I was seated down in the center where all girls were facing ne each giving a glaring look. I glanced at the brunette in the corner when she whispered "You don't know what he does. You don't know who he is.." I shook my head slightly and looked towards the red head opposite me who screached "Your in danger. Don't trust the one who lies." I couldn't quite understand what she meant by that but I guess it means I shouldn't trust someone who lies? I don't know I'm having a blonde moment. Barbie told all the girls to hush and leave the room, each giving me the evils as they grabbed their bag and marched out of the room. Barbie sat infront of me and placed her hands on my knees then all focus was on my eyes. She looked down then back up and told me "Don't trust him. He's done horrible things to nearly all the girls here and he seems to of taken a bigger liking to you. Stay away from him." I couldn't believe a word of this. What was it, jelousy? Just because I've got the cutest boy in the school? By god are they low..

I grabbed my bag and stormed out of the room trying not to make eye contact with anyone still left in the room. I succeeded and sighed. Whilst walking to my next lesson I noticed some pictures on the wall. Chris was in every single one of them next to a girl. Are they his ex's? I asked myself. I carried on walking and came across my next lesson. Taking a step through the door everyone's eyes turned towards me and locked. I was the center of attention. Even the teacher glared at me. I felt so unwanted, so unloved. Chris looked at me and guided me over to my seat which my specific seat was the seat people called a target. They were throwing paper airplanes at me saying horrible words. I don't understand what I have done.. I haven't spoke to hardly anyone..

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