Chapter Three - What's Happening?

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The whole lesson was horrible. People were rather throwing pencils and pens at me or throwing paper airplanes at me saying horrific stuff. I don't even know what I've done! Did I push someone over in the.corridor by accident? Did I give someone a paper cut in art by accident? I don't know! I've never been hated for something I havn't done..

The teacher just sat there as well giving me a dirty look from under her thick rimmed glasses. Shrinking back into my seat, I attempted to dodge the furious lobbings coming my way.

"She's a fucking idiot! Why has no one told her?!" Someone screeched behind me, their whiny tone drilling through my head. Swivelling around in my chair I glared at the bleach blonde, orange faced girl that was obviously talking about me. Her icy blue eyes squinted down at me, sparkling with menace.

"Excuse me?" My tone demanding yet wary under her cold gaze. Pursing her stained red lips she shook her bobble head before turning back around. Her hair flicking me in the face.

Cheeks burning, my lips twisted into a tight grimace, before I spun back around and carried on with my work, ignoring all the bitchy comments.

The lesson flew by, the comments only got worse. Directly aimed at me. The bloody teacher didn't even stop them.

Hurrying out of the classroom, still being bomarded with paper, I rushed downstairs. Pushing myself further and further I finally reached the front of the school. I left school with a proud face on, marching out of the rusty gates, still attempting to let my brimming tears fall as other students threw rocks and other things at me.

Letting my thoughts trail away I found myself wondering where Chris was. As if he could read my thoughts, his car pullled upside me. I saw his blonde locks drop down by the side of his face and his cheeky dimple face smirking positively at me.

"Wanna lift gorgeous ?" his perfect purky lips spat. My heart fluttered madly as I nodded and smiled.

Stepping inside his yellow show off like porch he sped off down the road.

"Um I live at 55 March Avenue..." I muttered timidly. Blushing furiously when he shot a cheeky wink at me.

We drove for 5 minutes before I actually realised we had gone way by my house..

"Where are we going? my house is back there..." I worriedly threw out of my mouth. Chris smiled and forced his foot down even harder on the excelerate.

We pulled up aside a bunch of flats. This must be where he lives even though it's a bad area.. Gangs and groups everywhere. He grabbed my hand tightly and yanked me out of the car making me trip and trail. He ran upstairs still dragging me, we stopped outside a blue wrecked door as he pushed me inside and locked his lips with mine.

I thought this was the moment I was going to lose my virginity but I was wrong. This was the moment I lost my rights as a women. As he pushed me over onto his old manky mattress laying on the floor beside an old t.v I could feel the frog in my throat climbing up slowly.

As he pulled down my pink lingerie i could feel his pride and joy insert me like a bullet.

I held my breath and hoped for the best but once again I was wrong. I yelled and moaned uncomfortably. I attemptadly pulled away but his strong tanned arms held me strongly down. My virginity had gone aswell as my pride. He rode up and down thrustatedly each time me screaming in pain, tears rode down my face making my face stiff.

Grunting once more Chris rolled off me, collapsing next to me. My whole body shook with terror as I curled up tightly into a fetal position. Everything hurt. Tears began spilling down my cheeks as I backed up against the cold peeling wall.

I felt used.



What would my mum think of me if she saw me now?

Or my dad?

Did the kids at school know what Chris is like?

Why did no one warn me?

All these questions yet no answers.

Darkness clouded my vision as my head lolled against the wall, the flecks of paint digging into my sodden cheek but I didn't care.

Finally I fell into a deep sleep. My screams echoing through my mind as I dreamt of what had just happened. No matter how hard I screamed no one came. No matter how hard I tried he wouldn't get his heavy body off mine.

I had just been raped by the one boy I actually began to fall for.

How first impressions can be wrong...

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