Chapter Two - Wait, What?

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The lesson went by quite quickly unlike Mr pearson's explanation about 'the beginning of the world'... But it was lunchtime thankfully. I could finally sit at the end of the field and call my mum without people looking and laughing. I went to the canteen to get a sandwich as I had forgot my pack-up. I slowly walked over to the corner of the field which was empty and quiet. I sat down and pulled out my Samsung Galaxy s-19000 and text my mum saying 'Mum, schools great. Made loads of new friends, see you later, love you. x x' which honestly I had lied but I wasn't the only one. She lies about how her new work is which I know she hates..

I was about to take a bite out of my sandwich when a bunch of geeks came over with their study books and sat down next to me "H-hello?" I stuttered. They just sat down and pulled out their notebook. One of them was writing in it for what seemed like hours but it actually turned out to be 6 minutes. She slyly slid it into my hand and looked around to see if anyone had seen. I unravelled the scrumpled up piece of paper and read it under my bag. 'You have no idea what you have gotten yourself in to, Chris is dangerous. He's not who you think. He works with this prostitution agency thing where they sell you to strangers for sex. Your his next victim. Believe me. We've all been there and it's not nice, your drugged and put to sleep then raped and stripped and forced to do stuff you can't refuse.' I couldn't believe it. The cutest boy in school is in a gang of human traffickers and wants to kidnap me. I honestly don't now what to say. I looked up and stared at Clarisa (the one who gave me the note) and gave her a really worried and scared look. She whispered "Listen, we've all been there. As long as you act like a total cow and refuse everything they'll send you back. They sent every single one of us back apart from Kim. She's been there 4 months now and they haven't send her back. She's rather dead or chained to a bed been raped rapidly." This made me even more scared to know that they may kill me or rape me. I'm too young for this. I'm 15 for gods sake. I'm still a frickin virgin! I don't wsnt to lose my virginity to a 57 year old fat bastard! I have to stay off school for the next few days just to be safe..

**3 Days Later**

I didn't tell my mum exactly why I didn't want to go to school just that I was really ill and have to stay off school for the next 3-4 days, which being my mum she understands when I say I don't want to go to school as she never wants to go to work. She's been flirted with by a wrinkly 80 year old reporter who fancies the living day lights out of her.. Well I had to go back today.. The school rang up and said I have to or they'll be calling social services. I grabbed my head and headed out of the door. Walking down the street I noticed alot if police cars were heading towards my school, I speeded up and practically ran to school. I walked up to Jess who told me that Chris had been caught for taking the girls to that creapy place. All of a sudden I felt more secure.. We were all told to go back to class in which we did. For some reason everyone was quiet. Even the teacher...

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