Chapter Six

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When my heavy eyes finally peeled open, I gasped silently when I found myself in a dimly lit room, girls circling me. Tears were spillling down each of the cheeks as they were tied to some sort of pole. 

Trying to squirm away I realised I too, was tied to a cold pole. The rope scratched and tore at my flesh, hot, angry tears brimming. What did I ever do to deserve this? Why did I ever let myself fall for the first boy I met, not even knowing anything about him?

"LET ME GO!" A brunette to my left screeched, her voice raw. The others shook their head frantically at her, bruises and cuts littering their revealed skin. I could feel the blood pounding in my ears as the lights suddenly flickered on. 

Men all sat in a circle, crowding around us like hungry dogs. It was only then I realised we were all in some sort of glass room, as their devious eyes raked over the shreds of cloth we were wearing.

Although he was the cause of all of this, I couldn't see Chris anywhere. My jaw trembled but I forced myself not to show them I'm weak, even when my eyes stung with tears I kept a firm face.

"And we begin the bidding now gentlemen. First up, is a little, very busty, brunette by the name of Annabelle..." My head shot up when the fuzzy annoucers voice shouted my name. All eyes fell on me, some even licked their lips making my stomach turn in revolt.

"50,000!" A familiar voice called out, stepping out from the shadows by the door. My eyes nearly popped out of their sockets when Josh held a finger to his lips, stopping me from squealing with delight.

"60,000!" Another man shot up from his chair, jet black hair slicked back looking greasy and disgusting. Wrinkling my nose in disgust, Josh bit down on his lip soft, teeth grazing the soft flesh carefully debating.

"70,000." He declared, puffing out his chest to make him seem tougher than he really is. Something twisted uncomfortabely in my stomach, nausea washing over me. How the hell did Josh find me?

Where is going to get all this money from? 

"Eighty- No. You know what she's not even worth it. urgh." The black haired man huffed, flopping back into his chair. Josh did a little jigg, that almost made me smile but I had no energy left. 

A side door opened that I didn't even realise was there until it creaked open. A broad, muscular man shuffling in, his grey eyes twinkling, making my stomach knot uncomfortablely.

His rough hands drifted behind me, nipping my ass making me hiss in pain but I stood firmly not letting his perverted actions get to me. Finally after the groping, he freed my hands. 

Rubbing the tender skin I stumbled along, knees weak, after him. Until finally I was met with Josh. I couldn't contain my excitement as I lept into his out stretched arms, tears slipping down my face.

"Sh, sh. It's ok now An. Sh. I've got you." Josh cooed into my ear, hands running through my hair cautiously as if I might break any minute. A clear of a throat brought us back to reality as the dangerous-looking man glared at us, his shadowed eyes gleaming with some sort of emotion I couldn't seem to place.

Josh leaned down, loosely knotting his clammy hand with mine. The man shifted his position, now standing just a few inches away from me. His hot, foul breath fanning over me, gripping Josh's hand tighter I felt a cold chill of fear run down my spine.

"I believe we should, go to the front. To discuss business..." He smiled sweetly down at us. A lump formed in my throat as we followed him down corridoor after corridoor, Josh still tightly gripping my hand for dear life.

"I'm scared Josh.." I whispered, my voice hoarse and croakey. The unknown man, turned aroudn to send me a devilish smirk that made me gag silently. Josh gave my hand a comforting squeeze as my eyes skimmed around everywhere.

My feet throbbed by the time we finally stopped, I could see the exit in the corner, begging me to run for it. But I couldn't leave Josh, especially with this creep.

"Right then...About that payment..." The thick accented man drawled slowly, each syllybol being pronounced. Josh smiled in the dimly lit room, something clutched in his hand tightly but I couldn't get a good enough veiw to see it without making things obvious.

"Yeah...About that..." Josh chuckled softly before lunging at him. Before I knew it, the perv was on the floor, clutching his lower waist grunting. Red liquid was gushing out of him, my eyes widened in shock, limbs feeling numb.

"Annabelle! C'mon!" Josh screams frantically, pulling on my hand, snapping me out of my distant trance as I scurried after him and out of the exit.

The sun blinded me a little, but a beaming smile broke out on my face as I hadn't seen the sun in what seemed like forever.

"C'mon! Lets go!" Josh urged, gesturing to a sleek yellow porche that definately wasn't his. My eyebrows shot up in surprise as he pulled one of many keys out of his pockets, swiftly unlocking it and slipping inside.

The leather seats were comforting against my aching muscles. Josh sent me a flustered smile, revving the engine and driving out into the dirt path that led to a main road. Glancing over my shoulder cautiously as we came to a halt waiting for an opening to drive into, my brain was still raked with unanswered questions.

"How did yo-" I began but Josh slammed his feathery lips on mine, moving them slowly against mine. They sent tingles coursing through me, shivers, fire works. The lot.

When we finally broke apart, my eyes locked onto his. They were still the old sparkling pure blue they always were.

"I love you Annabelle. Stay with me?" He looked to adorable at the moment I had to lean over and press another light kiss to his lips. A rose blush dusted across his perfect features making my heart swell.

Holding up my pinkie, Josh rolled his eyes, before entwining his with mine.

"Forever..." I muttered with one last kiss.

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