Chapter Five - Blackout

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It feels like I'm underwater. Drowning. The water was suffocating me as I coughed and spluttered. Throat burning. But no, this was real. I really was being choked on a vile liquid that was being poured forcefully down my throat.

"Shh shh, don't resist. The ropes will only get tighter." Someone's distant voice growled. The tone fragile yet menacing. My ears rung, as I was roughly grabbed, nails digging into my soft flesh, nearly breaking the skin.

My eyes refused to open, the darkness beginning to take over every fibre of my being. It felt like I was floating, feet dragging sharply across the floor.

My limbs felt weirdly limp, mouth dry as if I was eating sandpaper. Voices boomed faintly over the drumming beat that pounded in my ears. Finally finding my voice, I attempted to cry out, but nothing came.

"W-where am I g-going?" I drawled, tongue lolling numbly against my swollen, chapped lips. I heard Chris' hoarse chuckle, making my blood run cold.

"Shut the fuck up," He hissed, yanking my hair back causing me to whimper in pain. Jaw trembling, hot tears brimmed over and spilled down my cheeks. His tight hold was released as he dragged me on again.

My vision was becoming clearer, my eyes whipped around frantically taking in everything around me. There were men, tons of them all surrounding me. I looked to my left and saw 2 girls who looked drunk and were naked, I looked to my right and saw the same thing. I looked at my body and noticed I too was wearing no clothes. I shuffled and jumped but I was tied to a wooden chair with rope ripping my wrists. "Hey, you! Keep still!" came a deep voice from behind me. I did as I was told as I had no whereabouts where I was or who these men and women were.

A blonde haired beach barbie wokened and started screaming and crying. I looked at her as she did I. I slowly whispered to her, telling her to keep still and quiet as they were planning something. She did as she was told. Both our faces went pale as though we had seen a ghost. Thats when she was injected with the same stuff Chris used to rape me. Her face fell and her mouth widened. A tallish black hair, blue eyed man walked over to her and inserted his penis into her mouth. As she was drugged I don't know if she knew what it was but he started sucking and blowing. I couldn't believe my eyes. That's when I felt the prick in the back of my neck. My vision had once again blurred and my hearing had completely gone. I laid there not moving, not feeling anything.

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