Blue Eyed Demon

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I don't own Naruto (sadly TT^TT), Kishimoto does. Enjoy! ^·^


     I wake up to the peaceful sound of birds singing and the soft sunlight peeking through the transparent curtains. I bask in the intoxicating heat for a few minutes longer, before I reluctantly pull my covers off. I swing my legs off the edge of the bed and stretch. As I watch out the open window, I see villagers moving from place to place, kids running around laughing, and shop owners opening their stands. The breeze from the window makes me shiver in delight, while making my silky black hair dance behind me. I must have been tired out from the job I completed yesterday to have gotten any sleep at all. It feels wonderful, and I feel oddly calm and tranquil. I hope the rest of my day can be this peaceful. Although, considering the job I was recently hired to do, I highly doubt it. I'll try and make it quick so I can return here for some relaxation. It has been a while since I have been to a hot spring.

     They should be arriving at the village soon, so I should be going. I pack my weapons and any other necessities in my weapon pouch and head out. Along the way, the villagers give me strange looks. It is probably because they don't have ninja here. They are vulnerable people without any protection.

    I walk for awhile, getting used to the stares, and reach a placid lake that stops me from leaving. There is bound to be a boat, so I wait. As I wait, I lean against a tall pine tree and watch workers scuttle around looking for certain supplies to start building. I believe they are starting to build a bridge. All they have so far is the wooden frame. Soon I get bored of watching the builders and turn my attention back to the lake. I can faintly see bright colored fish, swimming around looking for food. They all suddenly swim away, and I look up. Out of the mist, I can barely make out the shape of a man sitting in a motor boat. The motor makes a loud, obnoxious noise. Once the man stops at the shore, he stands up and stretches.

"I would like to get across." I say in a monotone voice, and the man looks up.

"Ah, yes. That will be 10 ryo." He smiles at me and holds out his hand as I reach into my weapon pouch. I hand him the money and step into the shaky boat.

     He turns the motor on and steers for a while before asking me, "So, you don't look like a native. You visiting?" I look out at the water with blank eyes.

"You could say that." For the rest of the way we both remain silent.

     As we arrive at the small dock on the other side of the river, the mist begins to thin. I am actually glad that we are out of the fog. It made it hard to see, and I didn't want to waste any energy to sharpen my senses. He stops the engine, and I step off and walk away without looking back at the man, and soon hear the engine running again. Now that my senses are clearer, I can sense a group of people coming. They are not too far away, and there aren't too many of them. If needed, they should be easy to take care of. As I walk along, the men get louder and I can hear an angry man shouting at the others.

     Soon, I can see the source of the noise; a short man wearing a suit and circular glasses. I recognize him; Gato. There are five men walking around in a protective formation. They don't appear to be shinobi; most have weapons like baseball bats and metal poles. I get closer and the men's attention turn to me. They stop and the short man steps out of the circle.

"Well, look what we have here. A little girl." He smirks and so do all of the others. I am taller than him, but the rest are somewhat taller than me. I ignore them and keep walking. When I am almost past him, he grabs my arm.

"Hey, I was talking to you!" I turn around and look down at him.

"Yeah?" I ask and pretend to care. "I'm sorry, I couldn't see you down there." I smirk internally and wrench my arm out of his grasp. He looks at me, paralyzed with shock, before snapping out of it.

"How dare you! Do you know who I am?! You will never get away with that, you brat!" I look at him with a bored expression.

"Hn." I turn around and start to walk away.

"Get her!" Gato tells his men. They all run at me while he stands back with a smug look on his face. I stand there looking at them as they come. This should be easy. When the first one comes at me he swings his metal pole, aiming for my head. I duck and swipe his legs, knocking him over. Before the others can get to me, I disappear.

"W-where'd she go?" They all look around and I chuckle. So clueless. I appear behind one of them and knock him out on the first punch. The next one comes at me with a bat. I take a step back as he swings and take hold of the bat. Being the idiot he is, he doesn't let go, and I throw the bat, along with him, into a tree. Knock out. The others hesitate to attack.

"What are you waiting for, fools?! Are you going to let a girl beat you up?" He was scared now, I could tell. I grab one of the men and lift him above me by his neck and slam his head down onto the ground. He lays motionless on the ground but I know he is still alive. I wouldn't waist my time killing these morons. They've waisted too much of my time already, so I'll finish this now. I glare at the two left and they run away.

"Cowards!" Gato shouts, angry at being abandoned. He looks back at me fearfully and gulps. As I walk towards him I smile sadisticly and he starts to panic, backing away.

"H-hold on. I'm sure we can work something out. Here how much do you want?" He gets out his wallet and offers me some money. How offensive, he thought he could bribe me. I slowly walk up to him and grab him by his collar.

"D-don't k-kill me." I look him in they eye and glare.

"You're not worth my time." I say coldly and throw him into the deeper end of the lake. After I move the unconscious bodies out of the way, I being to make my way to the designated meeting village. Konoha.

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