Chapter Five

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Today is the day that we are put into our groups. We will have three genin in each group along with a jounin to watch over and train us. I am not particularly excited about this. The prospect of being on a team with other annoying genin and having to listen to a stuck up junin really dampens my mood. More so than usual. I will be stuck on the team until I either pass as a chunin, or escape. I prefer the latter. But being stuck on a team is inevitable and there is nothing I can do; yet.

I look out of the window. A blue bird is feeding its' baby chicks in a nest. It regurgitates the worms and other insects it had found into the mouths of the chirping babies. I find that animals are more evolved than humans, who slaughter their own kind and don't bother to think of the other person. But that is the cycle of life, although it be a sick and twisted cycle of life.

When I look up I see Naruto sitting rather close to an angry looking boy. They seem to be having a stare down when someone turns around and accidentally bumps into Naruto. Their lips touch briefly and the turn pale, along with the other girls in the room. When they separate they look disgusted.

"Naruto!" The girls look mad and ready to be Naruto. Feeling generous today, I grab Naruto by the collar of his orange jump suit so he is sitting next to me. The girls look at me and most of them back off. Except for the stupid ones. Standing in front of me and Naruto are two angry looking girls- a blond and the pink haired one.

"Naruto you idiot! Why did you do that?!" The blond asks shaking her fist. The pink one chimes in, "Yeah Naruto! I was going to be his first kiss!" She shouts, ignoring the fact that the boy they were talking about was sitting right next to them. The blond gets mad at something the pink says, and they start fighting. Again.

"Phew, thanks Akumu! That was a close one." He smiles at me. I then realize something.

"Why?" He cocks his head to the side.

"Why what?"

"You didn't pass the exam." A spark ignites in his head and he smiles bigger than before.

"Oh yeah. I didn't tell you did I? Well, here's what happened."

He told me about the scroll and how he beat Mizuki and about how Iruka gave him his headband. He sounded like a 13 year old girl talking about her crush.

"Oh, and I mastered the clone jutsu!" He was very happy.

"Good job." I said quietly. He sat for a second, looking surprised.

"What?" There was both sadness and happiness in his eyes.

"Nothing. It's just that... people don't usually say that I've done a good job. Well, they don't actually say anything nice. But that doesn't matter." His smile makes me feel sad.

"Naruto." He looks at me expecting me to say something else. Iruka walks in and starts talking before I could say anything else. I am kind of glad that he did. If not, I might have said something that I would regret.

"Hello everyone. Today is an important day for you all. Starting today, all of you are real shinobi. But you are still genin. The hard journey that lies ahead has just started. Now you will soon get missions to help the village." I sigh once again as he says missions. That just means more time I have to spend with these idiots.

"So today we will create 3 man teams and each team will have a jounin sensei. You will follow your sensei's instructions in order to successfully complete your missions. We tried to balance each teams strengths. Team one will be..."

I zone out as he calls names, and wait for either mine or Naruto's name to be called.

"Okay... next is team 7. Haruno Sakura, Uzumaki," I start to pay attention, "and Sasuke Uchiha." Naruto slams his head down on the desk when he hears that he has to be on a team with Sasuke.

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