Chapter Seven

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The next day I wake up to a knock on my door. I stand up and walk to the door slowly, not caring that the person on the other side is getting irritated. I can tell because every few seconds he knocks harder. Just before he knocks down the door, I open it. I'm greeted with the face of one of the shinobi from the other night.

"Akumu." I can only see one of his eyes, but he looks extremely bored.

"Hn." He smiles, I think, and holds out his hand.

"I'm Kakashi Hatake. I will be your sensei from now on." He continues to smile. I slam the door in his face and walk back into my room to change. The persistent man continues to bable on.

"Um... we should be going. We were supposed to meet the team two hours ago. So... hurry... please?" He almost sounds afraid.

"Man, the Hokage's gonna kill me," I hear him mutter.

After I change and grab an apple I head out the door, not bothering to stop to talk with my new sensei. I think about my new team. I know Naruto won't be a problem, and the Uchiha boy probably won't be a problem either, but the pink haired girl might be. I will try my best not to kill her. People like her get on my nerves so much. Just thinking about it makes me growl.

On the way to meet with the Hokage my new sensei doesn't say a word. He stares forward while we walk, as if he is thinking about something deeply. I've been thinking about something as well. I want to know what was on those scrolls. The Hokage seemed to know who it was.

When we arrive, the rest of the team is already there.

"Hey. What are you doing here Akumu?" Naruto immediately asks. Sakura looks at me and I glare. She quickly looks away, cowering.

"She's the new member on our team." The sensei replies, still bored. As soon as he says that the Uchiha boy grunts.

"That's so cool. We get to be on a team Akumu! Believe it!" Naruto looks genuinely excited.

After he introduces me as their new teammate and Sakura asks stupid questions like usual, we finally leave to meet the Hokage. I believe he has a mission for us. From all the complaining coming from Naruto about how easy the missions are, I am not necessarily looking forward to this meeting. But I will be able to use this as an opportunity to ask the Hokage some questions.

I wait restlessly out side the Hokage's office along with my new team. All that sleep has sure given me more energy than usual. Most of the time I don't sleep at all; I can't stand wasting time that could be used to do something productive, rather than sleep, and I also have nightmares. With all this energy flowing through me my senses are going crazy. Sleep is like sugar to me.

"Hey Akumu. You okay? You seem kind of... fidgety." Naruto asks me looking worried. It's then that I notice my hands are shaking. This wouldn't happen because of sleep. Nothing else could cause this. Unless... no, it can't be!

"Naruto, that cake you had in your fridge, did you make it?" His eyes are wide at he stares at me. That is probably the longest sentence I have ever spoken to him.

"Uhh, yeah. But how did you kn-"

"How much sugar did you put in it?" I'm starting to panic.

"I didn't know how much to put in, so I just added the whole bag." He rubs the back of his neck sheepishly. Oh no. This is not good. This is not good at all. Sugar makes me go crazy. I always do stupid stuff when i'm on sugar. I have no time to find the antidote. Plus i don't even think it grows in Konoha.

"Brussel sprouts!" I shout. I can already feel the sugar taking over my brain. I only have about a half an hour left. I need to go find the antidote, but i have to stay here. Ahg! I can't think straight with all this sugar.

"Why would you want brussel sprouts? Yuck! They don't even grow in Konoha." Sakura says, snotty as ever. I will just have to wait until i can leave and try to act calm. I take a deep breath and ignore the stares i am getting. I can still feel my hands shaking and my brain feels fuzzy. This is why I never eat anything with sugar in it. You could even say I am allergic to it. When I eat sugar I go through a very hyper faze and make irrational decisions. There is no way out now.

"Come in." The Hokage says from the room. He is sitting at his desk reviewing some paper work. There is also a fat woman standing near him looking worried. As soon as she sees our team her eyes light up and she lets out an ear deafening squeel. It is not until I see the cat in Naruto's arms the I know why. After that I'm not quite sure what happens. That is a side effect of the sugar. Blurry moments where you don't know what is happening. The next thing I know there's a drunk man standing in the doorway.

"What's this? They're all a bunch of super brats," he takes a swig of sake, "Especially the shortest one with the super stupid-looking face. Are you really a ninja? Hey!?"

Naruto, not realizing who he was talking about, looks around. "Haha! Who's the shortest one with the stupid face?"

We all line up. I'm the tallest, then Sasuke, then Sakura, and finally there's Naruto.

"I'll kill you!" Naruto lunges forward, but is stopped by Kakashi sensei.

"What's the point of killing the person we're supposed to protect? Idiot!"

"I am the super expert bridge builder Tazuna. I expect you to provide me super protection until I get back to my country and complete the bridge." His arrogant tone annoys me.

"Watch it, old man," I growl.

He steps forward, "Who do you think you are kid?"

I never would have said anything if it weren't for the sugar, but before I can think to shut my mouth I blurt out, "I'm an S-ranked criminal who could kill you any second and you'd never know until your head hit the floor."

He steps back. Everyone in the room is silent as I stare him down.

"Ahem," The Hokage interrupts, "You should get going now."

After we all depart I run to my appartment as fast as I can. Rushing into my bed room I grab a metal box and open it on the bed. Inside are two brussel sprouts. If I eat one now and one later I should make it until we get to the bridge builders country, where brussel sprouts hopefully grow. Deciding on my plan I swallow one of the green vegetables down and shove the other into my weapons pouch. This is only a C ranked mission so I shouldn't need much, but then again so was my previous mission, and look what happened there. Just to be on the safe side I grab my katana and strap it to my back.

When I see the gate I count four figures. Where is sensei? Before I can look around, sensei appears beside me.

"Oh. Hello there Akumu." He smiles through his mask before saying a few words to the arguing people. Once the argument is settled we start our first mission as a team. Hopefully it won't end like the last one.

A/N - Hey guys! So sorry about the wait. ~ I had major writers block. Thanks for reading and don't forget to comment and vote. I always love to get feedback.

:) :) :) :) ~(^.^~) (~^.^)~ (: (: (:

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