Chapter Six

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We run through the forest until sunset before eventually settling down in a small clearing. The chunin sit around a fire Goro sensei had made, eating their food and chatting idley.

"So, who's gonna take the first shift?" Sensei asks.

"Ugh. Not me. I need my beauty sleep." Mayu gets up and stretches before leaving to the small tent that was set up for her and I. But I have no plans on sleeping tonight, especially not since there are people watching my every move. I tend to be uncomfortable when I am being watched.

"Alright. What about you, Hideki? You up for the job?" Sensei looks hopeful. He most likely does not want to do it.

"Nope. I did it last time. It's someone else's turn. What about Akumu? This could be her first time." The remaining three look at me. Goro sensei is sceptical that I can do the job. I stand up and disappear into the trees.

"I guess she's gonna do it." Hideki shrugs before getting up and going to the tent set up for the rest of them. I hear the fire go out soon after. Everyone is asleep.

The silence in the vast forest is deafening, but it reminds me of my travels before Konoha. I miss that. I could be anywhere I wanted, doing anything I wanted, and I would not have to be around stupid chunin. But instead I'm stuck on a child's mission, watching out for people who I couldn't care less what happened to them. I could leave now, but I would have to take down the shinobi that the Hokage sent out to watch me. No doubt they would continue searching for me. That would be annoying. I can't do anything without a disguise now because they know who I am.

A noise in the bushes brings me back to reality. It couldn't be one of the shinobi spying on me. No, they wouldn't get this close. Out of curiosity I jump down from my post on a branch and cautiously walk up to the bushes. There is no movement, so I silently push through them. I see something very unexpected.

Three Konoha ninja lie dead on the ground, covered in blood and a simple kunai piercing their hearts. I immediately get into a defensive position. They must be experienced if I could not sense them. I look around the dead bodies and find that one of the kunai used to kill the shinobi has a very distinct carving on it. I take it out and put it in my weapon pouch.

Suddenly, I hear a high pitched scream coming from the campground. I run to the sight, but am too late. My team is dead, killed in the same manner as the others. The culprits are gone, and the scrolls are nowhere to be found. What was on those scrolls that they wanted so badly? It doesn't matter now. How am I going to explain this to the Hokage? Hopefully they will think that I did it and make me leave. Although that is highly unlikely. Somehow I am going to have to get these bodies back to the village. It won't be too hard.

I grab all seven of the bodies and perform a hand sign. I disappear from the forest And reappear in the Hokage's office.

Hokage's P.O.V.

I am sitting at my desk speaking with three shinobi. They have questions about the team arrangements, and our new Konoha ninja.

"Are you sure we should have let her go on a mission? What if she tries to run away?" The red eyed one, Kurenai, asks. I sigh. This seems to be a very common question today.

"Ah, come on Kurenai. Give the girl a chance." Asuma says, blowing smoke from his mouth.

"I just don't think it's a good idea, she could hurt someone." She argues.

"I doubt sh-" Asuma is cut off when a plume of smoke appears. They get out kunais and hold them defensively. I stand up, ready to fight. When the smoke clears, the first thing I see are the dead bodies of seven shinobi. I recognize them as Goro Iwate's team and the three shinobi I sent to watch Akumu.

"I told you." Kurenai growls when we see who is standing next to the bodies.

"Akumu?" I am surprised.

"Yes." She replies simply. She walks forward, the three shinobi ready to attack. They almost do when she reaches in her weapon pouch and pulls out a kunai.

"I found this." She says and hands me the bloody kunai. I inspect it. There is a snake engraved on the handle.

"Thank you Akumu. You can go home now. You will be paid in the morning. She bows and jumps out the window.

"Why'd you let her go?! She just killed her team!" Kurenai looks outraged. When I don't answer Kakashi steps forward.

"Is it..."

"Yes." I nod. He's back.

Akumu's P.O.V.

I walk home through the empty and dark streets. The dim glow of the moon lights my way. There was something on that kunai. Something that proved it was not me that killed them. It went differently than I expected. He did not even ask me any questions. I guess he will be putting me on a new team. I was only with that one for a couple of days. I wonder how long the next one will last.

A thought comes to my mind. I probably shouldn't... but I will. I walk for a while before coming to a set of cheap apartments. His must be here somewhere. I look through the back Windows of apartments. I see old people, no people, and some things I really don't want to see, before I finally reach the last one. This must be his. I go to the window and see him sleeping in his bed peacefully. The window is shut and I cannot get it open so I go to the front door. As I expected, He forgot to lock his door and I easily slip in. There are empty ramen cups all over the place along with his clothes and garbage.

"Naruto." I sigh. I'll admit that I do care about him. But he is an exception. He's not like the others. All he's ever wanted was to be cared about. I'll let him win this time.

I quietly pick up the garbage and throw it away, along with any empty cups of ramen. Then I fold his clothes and put them away in his room. When I am done cleaning his house it is about two in the morning. I should probably leave soon. I check his fridge and see that it is empty. He really can't take care of himself. I sigh, shut the fridge door, but nor before taking the last slice of a cake he made, and leave, making sure to lock his door.

When I get home a note is waiting on my bed.


You will be reassigned to you next team tomorrow. Please be at my office by 10 O'clock for your next placement and mission.


I should probably get some sleep if I am going to be dealing with my new team tomorrow.

Naruto's P.O.V.

I wake up really early. Like, 5 o'clock. I yawn and head to the bathroom. My eyes widen when I see my bathroom and kitchen. It's totally clean!

"What the heck?"


I'm really sorry this took so long. And thanks to everyone still reading. I know I'm not that great of a writer. Don't forget to review and comment. :):):)

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