Chapter Two

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I run the rest of the day, jumping from branch to branch. When the gates finally come into view it is a quarter to midnight. I am fifteen minutes early. I cloak my chakra when I am forty yards away, so as not to alert the guards. My run slows to a jog, and I scout for a good place to hide while I wait. Within earshot of the guards, I find a tree that has enough branches and leaves to hide me and still aloe me to see through.

I had spoken with my client two days ago when he asked me to do the job. It is a relatively easy job, although I do wonder why he didn't hire someone less expensive to do it. I am usually hires to do jobs ranging from Jounin to s-ranked. This is one that a chunin could accomplish without having much trouble. Under normal circumstances I would not have accepted the job. It requires me to steal a forbidden technique scroll from the Hokage's building, which is not necessarily in my line of work. Almost all of my jobs are assassinations of high ranked ninja or government officials, not stealing a scroll. But at the moment I have no money and would, quite frankly, like to eat tomorrow. He was fine that it would cost the same as any other job and even offered extra if I finished the job quickly and cleanly. We were meeting now to confirm the details.

I keep waiting in the tree, chakra hidden, listening to the guards bickering about something stupid. I am annoyed that he is late. It is already eight past twelve, and he is nowhere in sight. If he does not show up in the next twenty minutes I will leave and he will have to find someone else to do the job. I hate being kept waiting. If you want me to do something for you, then the least you can do is be punctual.

I hear the guards quiet down and turn to see a relatively short man wearing a hat that hides his face. That's him. I watch him walk up to the guards. They ask him a few questions such as his name and what his business is here. He tells them that he is visiting his grandchildren for the week. The guards let him enter and I silently move from my spot, careful not to make any sounds, and follow him. Once we pass the gate I deliberately make a soft noise to get his attention. He turns back and searches the trees for me, His eyes land on mine and he smiles, letting me know that he sees me. He walks to an empty training ground and stops. I wait awhile longer to come down, making sure no one is watching, before jumping down in front of him.

I am wearing my usual attire. I wear all black, and my clothes leave almost no skin uncovered. The only that shows are my bright blue eyes, as I wear a mask that covers the rest of my face. I only wear a mask when I am on a job or meeting a client. I keep my client's, as well as my identity anonymous, preferring that no one know who I am. People call me the Blue Eyed Demon, an s-ranked criminal. They think of me as a legend, because nearly no one has seen me. At least not seen me and lived, besides the lucky ones I did not feel like killing. And I make it very clear with my clients that if they speak one word of our meeting I will not hesitate to kill them.

"You're late." I say lowly. "Ah, yes. I had some business to attend to before being able to meet you." I scowl. "I did not agree to your request because I wanted to waste my time," He smiles at me and remains calm, which is starting to get on my nerves. He should respect those who can easily end his life. "Yes, I understand. And I am truly sorry for making you wait." He pulls a scroll out of his jacket and hands it to me. His face may not look that old, but his scared and wrinkly hands give away his true age. I take the scroll and put it in my weapon pouch. "I expect the job to be done quickly, as I stated before." He tells me with false kindness, a smile still plastered on his face.

I jump away and head towards the largest building, which is where the Hokage's office is locate, as well as the scroll. As I run I read the scroll that the man gave me. It gives me all the details I need to know. Where to find the Hokage's office, where the scroll is, which scroll it is, and where all of the anbu are posted for security. How he obtained all this information is unknown to me, but I don't care about that. As I run to the building I form a plan in my head. Since this is supposed to quick and clean, I will try not to kill anyone, opting for knocking them out or avoiding contact at all. My plan is simple yet effective.

I near the building and make sure my chakra is hidden. There are two anbu posted at each side of the building. To get in, I will either need to knock them out, or disguise myself. I choose the latter, as it will lessen my chance of a confrontation. I watch as people come and go from the tall building. It is still busy despite the time. I watch one man leave and follow him a ways away as he walks into a small alley way. If I disguise myself as him, I can't have him being seen, or my plan could be ruined,

The man keeps walking, and I appear behind him, quickly hitting a pressure point in his back. His body falls back, limp and lifeless. He should be out until morning, giving me easily enough time to go in and get out. I form the correct hands sign and transform into a perfect replica of the middle aged man. He has average looks: light brown hair and dark brown eyes, with a few wrinkles here and there. Now I will fit in perfectly without drawing any attention to myself. I place the man behind a dumpster and tie his hands and feet together, in case he wakes up earlier than expected.

I walk up to the building just as someone leaves. When I walk in the receptionist looks up. "Hey Midori. What are you doing here? I thought you were going home." I look at the young brunet woman. "Ah, yes, I was. But I forgot something important." I smile and rub the back of my neck. "Well, you should hurry. Before Korin starts freaking out cuz your late. You know how she worries." She chuckles and goes back to her work at the desk. That was surprisingly easy.

I make my way down to the Hokage's office, smiling at the few people left in the building so I do not seem suspicious. When I reach the door I close my eyes and focus to see if there are any anbu near. Once I know it's clear, I slowly and quietly open the door, looking inside at the room as I do. I see a few scrolls on the Hokage's desk and notice that one of them is the one I need. I walk up and take the scroll hesitantly. Something doesn't seem right. It shouldn't be this easy. After I shrug it off I transform back into myself. Just then I hear a loud poof and the Hokage along with nine other ninja, some anbu some not, appear.

I should have known. This was all a set up; the scroll, the job, the man. No wonder it was too easy; it was a trap. I look at the Hokage and wait for him, or any of the other shinobi to attack. I drop the scroll and see some of them flinch, ready for action. "Is this her?" The old man asks. The small crowd separates, not once taking their eyes off me, as the man who 'hired' me steps up. Apparently he was also a ninja. "Yeah." He smirks and I glare at him harshly. He shrinks back a little in fear. If I could, I would kill him right here and now. "What do you want?" I ask rudely. "Blue Eyed Demon, s-ranked criminal. You have killed many important people." The Hokage states.

"So what? You want revenge?" The old man chuckles and shakes his head. "No no. Nothing like that. I want you to pay for what you've done by being a Konoha ninja." I stare at him in shock, as did most of the others I the room. "Y-you what?" Is this man delusional? His face was completely serious as he spoke. "I would like to put you in the academy and have you put on a team of genin." He spoke as if it was common sense. I just keep staring. "But Lord Hokage! You can't let an s-ranked criminal join the academy! What if she hurts someone?!" The Hokage stays perfectly calm, as if expecting this. "You haven't hurt anyone since you came here, have you Blue Eyed Demon?" Aside from that one man I knocked out, I haven't harmed anyone here. I don't think there is any way out of this, but it is worth a try. "No." I reply. As the Hokage speaks more, I inch towards the window. As soon as the Hokage stops talking I quickly disappear out of the window.

The men instantly act and follow me. I do not want to be on a team with genin, and I definitely do not want to be a Konoha ninja. I grew up without anyone, I don't need anyone now. I can't let them catch me. If they do, I will have no choice but to do what the Hokage wants. They think I am a strong and intelligent s-ranked criminal, but really, I am not that strong. And I definitely would not be able to escape all of those ninja. I lose my concentration as I think, and hear footsteps behind me. I cannot let them catch me! But it's too late. I feel a pressure on my neck and everything goes black.

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