Chapter Four

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The next day I arrive early at the academy. I take a seat in the far back and close my blue eyes to shut the talking of the few other people in the room out. The past three days have been quite chaotic for me. I have let my guard down, and I must be careful. I cannot let these people that I barely know get to me. I was weak yesterday, but I won't let it happen again. I am here for one reason, and one reason only. I will stay here only until I have the chance to escape.

There is a wave of air that pushes my inky black hair into my eyes, which I open slightly. I look to my left and see a smirking boy with a dog on his head, which is covered by a grey jacket.

"Hey." He says still smirking. I don't know what he wants but he better leave me alone. In a futile attempt to ignore the annoying dog boy I close my eyes again and lean my head on the cold concrete wall. I can feel him move. When I look again to see if he's gone, my blue eyes meet a pair of wolfish black ones. I glare at him as he crouches on my desk staring at me intently.

"Can I help you?" My voice comes out harsh and rude, like I wanted it to. He blinks a few times as he processes my cold tone. The boy backs up a little and frowns.

"Jeez. Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed. I just want to introduce myself." His brown and white dog barks as if speaking to him. "Don't worry, I didn't forget about you little guy." He takes the dog off of his head and sets him down in front of me. He is annoying me, and i'm losing my patience. I glare at him and push the dog and him not so gently off the desk.

"Hey! Why are you so mad? I was just saying hi." He looks pretty mad and I chuckle darkly.

"If you don't get out of my face now, I will-" I am interrupted when the teacher comes in.

"Hello class. Please sit down." The dog boy walks to a different seat, mumbling on his way there. I pay attention to the sensei as he speaks.

"Now, for the graduation exam, you will do the clone jujtsu." I growl lowly. I was not informed about any exam. Out of the corner of my eye I see Naruto start to freak out. "Dammit." He mutters.

"When you are called, come to the next room." He calls the fist name and a girl named Ino walks confidently in the room with the sensei. I feels eyes burning into back of my head, and I turn to look. The dog boy is glaring at me and his dog is growling. I looks ahead of my and pay attention to the wall ahead of my, skillfully ignoring them.

Soon enough the sensei comes back in and looks at his clipboard. "Umm..." It seems they never got my name. I stand up and walk past him into the room. There is one other shinobi, as well as the Hokage. He smiles at me and motions for me to come in.

"Hello. All you have to do is make a clone of yourself, Aiko." I narrow my eyes and growl at him.

"Don't call me that!" I bark out. That is the name my 'parents' gave me. I hate it now.

"Then what shall we call you." I think for a second before replying."

"Akumu." It means nightmare. The Hokage nods.

"It siuts you." Iruka mutters almost inaudibly. The Hokage quickly clears his throat and motions for me to bigging. After glaring at the sensei I use the correct hand signs and unenthusiastically create three clones of myself. The Hokage nods in approvement and hands me a headband with the symbol on it. I take it and walk out without saying another word.

Outside kids are showing their moms and dads their headbands, and their parents are commending them. All of the smiles and sappy love is starting to make me sick. I walk towards the tree. I then notice Naruto sitting alone on the swing looking depressed. I stand next to him and he looks up at me, confused.

"What do you want?" He asks grumpily, which is rare for him. He continues to look at me, expecting me to answer him. Before I have the chance to, we overhear two women very non discreetly chatting.

"Hey, that kid..." The fist one began.

"Yeah, that's "the" kid. And he's the only one who failed." The other one states. They are starting to piss me off.

"Well that's good."

"We can't have him becoming a shinobi." I turn to them and frown.

"Shut up." I give them a glare and they cowar. I turn back to Naruto. He looks surprised that I would stand up for him.

"Hey, why'd you do that." He looks at me, before realizing that I am not going to answer him.

"Well, thanks." He smiles a little.

"Your welcome." He looks back up at me, and I begin to walk away.

"Hey lady, wait." He shouts at me. I stand still.

"What's your name?" I contemplate for a second before deciding that I will allow him to know.

"Akumu." I continue walking and hear him say 'good bye'.

Although, I do not believe this will be good bye. This is just the begining.


Sorry it's so short. It's usually either really long and it takes me a while to update, or it's pretty short and I update more often. But anyway, thanks for reading! ^.^

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