Chapter Three

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Mark's bungalow was just down the road, a short drive from Morgan's in a closer community of houses. It was somewhere I'd called home for the past year and so had my brother before he'd left for university. After the cops had come to our old house to break the news about our parents we'd left and come to our uncle's. We'd stayed here ever since. It'd been a good place for us to get away from painful memories. It had helped me heal so I was very fond of it. But seeing four motorbikes parked up on the lawn as I approached made my gut twist. Just what had Luke gotten himself into?

After I'd driven up onto the drive I turned off my engine and stepped out onto the tarmac. I'd put on a pair of shorts and t-shirt before leaving the party, which were now soaked through from the dampness of my bikini. But this didn't really register to me. What did was the fact that there were a bunch of motorbikes outside of the house and that there were two strangers sat on the porch.

I stepped up to the edge of the porch but stopped there as the pair turned their heads to look at me. Both guys were probably a few years older than me, perhaps in their early twenties. They dressed casually and didn't seem to fit the description of a terrible biker gang. Though saying that I'd never seen one in the flesh.

"Hi," one ventured, moving forwards to greet me. He was about my height, with pale skin and a slim frame. Sleek, black hair fell just before his blue eyes and a soft smile was on his lips. He was boyishly handsome, almost beautiful looking. It took me a moment to go from anger to slight embarrassment as to what I was wearing, however I focused back on anger. It helped me feel like I could talk, "Are you Lucy?"

I frowned at him, "Who's asking? Is my brother inside?" It was a defensive response, but I was annoyed and not good at talking to attractive strangers. The black haired boy glanced to his friend, who was leaning against the wooden frame of the porch. He was taller than the first guy, with larger muscles too. He had dark skin, with thick eyebrows and shoulder length dreadlocks that were held back with a blue wrap around his head. He flashed me a bright smile, his hazel eyes twinkling in amusement.

"I'm T.J," he jabbed a thumb towards his friend. "That's Michael. And yeah, Luke's inside."

My eyes narrowed at that; so he was here. And he'd brought friends. Were they all coming to the party? Luke was meant to be staying in Hallenford for the summer, but they couldn't all be staying. Where would they stay? I moved to the door, ignoring them both as I focused on finding out what was going on from my brother. I deserved to know.

The lights were on in the bungalow. The front door opened into an open plan kitchen and sitting room. The bedrooms were off towards the back of the house. But the only person I could see was Mark and he was in the kitchen, sat in his wheelchair and nursing a beer. I frowned and moved over to him. He looked annoyed. His eyes were burning with a deep anger, but there was no Luke to be seen. Just the leftovers of his arrival.

"What's going on?" I asked, glancing to the back of the house as I heard movement down the corridor.

"You should be at the party," Mark responded, taking a swig from the green bottle in his clasp. My frown deepened and I focused back on him.

"Don't avoid my question."

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