Chapter Eleven

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"Yeah, really," I rolled onto my back, phone to my ear as Olivia took in the story from last night. I could almost hear the cogs turning in her head, "And then they left." I added, recounting my brother's dramatic visit to the party. I was surprised news hadn't already travelled to her but all communications had been closed off in the Smith household whilst 'family night' ensued. It was almost midnight and this was the first I'd been able to get ahold of her.

"Bloody hell, Lu, this has more drama surrounding it that one of my uni modules," she exclaimed. "What happened then?"

I smiled, letting the feeling of happiness in my chest swell through me, "Well, I wanted to leave but Fox came out to check on me."

"Fox?" She enquired and then let out an interested 'ooo', "This is getting serious."

"Shut up," I laughed but shook my head. "Well, he asked me to go for a drink. And then after he may have kissed me...twice."

"Lucy!" I had to pull the phone away from my ear with how loudly she exclaimed that and I winced. But she then whispered, "Woops, may have woken the parents."

"I told you to keep it down," I giggled.

"Sorry, how am I meant to with a story this good? Why wasn't I invited to this party? I missed out," she breathed. "I mean I can't believe he kissed you again!"

"Well thanks," I rolled my eyes.

"You know what I mean!"

"No, I don't. Other than you can't believe he kissed me more than once," I chided and she made an exasperated sound.

"Fine fine, I'll stop digging. Really happy for you though. Good recovery from your brother smacking him one."

"Yeah," I mused but then sighed. "I'm going for a run with him tomorrow."

"What, your brother?" She sounded confused.

"No, Fox," I corrected her, studying my ceiling with a small frown. "Not sure it's going to be that romantic, racing around Hallenford, getting sweaty. Especially when I beat him." I added the last bit with a small smirk, amused at the idea.

"Trust you to turn it into a race," Olivia giggled. "Just twist your ankle and he'll have to gallantly carry you home."

"I think I covered that area last night when I hit my head. If I do it again he'll just think I'm an idiot."

"Well at least he'll then be well informed of what he's getting into."

"Thanks, Liv," I laughed in response but hesitated when I heard someone else on the other end of the phone and they didn't sound impressed. I waited for the inevitable.

"Sorry, Lu. Parents are telling me to get off the phone," she sighed.

"Text me instead?" I asked.

"Will do, night," she hung up on me and I put my own phone down. Truth be told I wasn't sure if I was going to get any sleep. My mind was racing. I'd come home and avoided talking to Mark. He'd asked me how the party was and I'd said it had been fine. I didn't want him knowing that Luke had punched Fox. That would only annoy Mark and he didn't need to worry about us anymore. So I'd come to bed to talk to Olivia, not that it'd help to stop my mind churning.

The next morning the house was empty. Mark was at work and it left me waiting anxiously whilst trying to watch the television. I didn't know what I was nervous about; I was a good runner. In fact it was probably the thing I was best at doing. He'd kissed me after I had epically failed at limbo, surely this was only going to be an improvement? I shook my head but my eyes flashed up as I heard a knock at the door. I smiled; he was early. Not that I was complaining, less time to wind myself up.

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