Chapter Seven

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"He offered you a ride?"

It was later that day and Olivia was staying over for the night. Sat crossed legged on the floor, we munched on pizza out of a delivery box whilst music played in the background. After my encounter with Rain I needed to talk it out with my best friend.

"Yeah, not sure what he'd have done if I'd said yes," I frowned in thought. Olivia looked bemused, but reached back to tie her curling hair back into a bun. She shook her head.

"Who knows. I bet Rain isn't even his real name. Maybe he's on the run for something," her tone was disapproving. She'd never met the boy and I could tell that already she didn't like him. But like me she blamed him for taking Luke away and Luke was family to us all. And you didn't mess with family.

"He hardly looks old enough to have committed a serious crime, Liv," I disagreed before biting into the pizza. My friend raised both eyebrows at me.

"How do you know? Some twelve year old in America shot his younger sister the other day. There's no age limit on crime," she sipped at her drink, but before I could respond a voice sounded from the other side of the room.

"What are you two talking about?" I looked over my shoulder to see Mark in the doorway. I paused; he looked semi decent; he'd washed and brushed his hair. He even looked like he'd ironed his clothes. Was he wearing a tie? My eyes continued to run over his outfit, scrutinising it before focusing on his face.

"What are you wearing?" I asked instead and Mark glanced down at his appearance.

"Clothes? Now what are you two girls gassing about?"

"Lucy saw one of Luke's motorbike friends in town today," Olivia answered for me. I shot her a look, but Mark's cough cut over whatever I was going to say.

"In town?" His expression had turned serious and he had a tone that matched. "Lucy, you're to stay away from that lot. They look like trouble and I should know."

"I wasn't going to start hanging out with them, Mark. And just because you used to cause trouble when you were younger doesn't mean everyone with a motorbike is doing the same thing."

"Are you defending them?" Olivia asked, shocked. I hesitated, glancing down.

"Um..." I had been, though I wasn't sure why. Perhaps I didn't want to think of my brother as hanging out with trouble makers? I decided to change the subject, "Can we get back to why you're wearing a tie?" I asked and Mark reached up to the knot, shifting it against his throat.

"I am going on a date if you must know."

Surprise flashed through me and I blinked, both of my eyebrows going sky high, "A date?" I almost squeaked. Olivia was grinning.

"Oh, who's the unlucky lady?" She asked and Mark pointed a finger at her.

"Watch it, Smith," he dropped his hand and Olivia giggled. "Now, I'm going out for the evening, if you need me I'll have my mobile on me. Okay?"

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