Chapter Six

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It was the next morning and the patter of raindrops against my bedroom window made me smile; summer in England was so unpredictable. The night before had been warm enough for us to enjoy a pool party and today the weather had shifted to cover Hallenford with puddles. But I enjoyed the sound. It was relaxing and I stretched beneath the feather duvet before snuggling down further with a contented groan.

Last night had been so much fun. I had been surrounded by friends and also new faces. I bit my bottom lip as I thought on Fox. Nathan Fox, and I had already looked him up on the internet. His family owned a multimillionaire hotel chain and the pictures of him ranged from skydiving to trips to Asia. He truly was from a life far away from the simplicities of Hallenford.

My phone buzzed against my bedside table. Rolling onto my stomach I reached for it and flicked my thumb across the screen. Seeing Olivia's name there I opened up the message:

Did you dream about him? XxX

I let out a choked laugh but refused to dignify the question with an answer as I put the phone to one side, shaking my head. Maybe I had. Maybe I'd woken up with him on my mind. Either way doing a bit of background research on him last night had made me see he may have been a bit out of my reach. However I was certain he had been flirting with me last night. Well, maybe not certain. Maybe hopeful.

A knock on my door cut through my thoughts and I sat up, brushing my dishevelled hair out of my face as I did, "Yeah?"

"You awake?" Mark's voice called through the door. I rolled my eyes, though there was a smile on my lips.

"No," I responded.

"Good, you decent?" He asked and I pushed my duvet aside to slide out of bed.

"Never," I chuckled but reached and opened the door for him. Sat in his wheelchair on the other side Mark had a roughly wrapped package in his lap. I raised an eyebrow; there had even been an attempt at a bow. I glanced back to him, "Morning."

"Morning," he responded, looking up at me. "I wanted to give you this when you left for university, but thought you'd have use of it now," he picked up the package and offered it to me. I blinked and focused on him, "Well done on your scholarship, superstar."

I took it, feeling a box shape beneath the flimsy wrapping paper, "Mark...thank you." I replied, a bit taken aback, "You didn't have to get me anything."

"You've done so well, kid, I had to get you something. Now go on," he motioned to it with his hand. "Open it."

It didn't take me much encouragement. I grinned and ripped open the wrapping paper, pulling off the bow to reveal what was beneath. I paused, holding the box in my hands before looking at my uncle with wide eyes, "Mark..." I trailed off, unable to believe what I was holding. The holy grail of running shoes were in my hands, my size, and they had to have cost him more than he could have afforded. I shook my head, "Mark, this is...this is too much."

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