Chapter Thirteen

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After eating our weight in fish we decided against running back home. The walk was pleasant and we got to talk more about the upcoming fishing trip in Northridge. Gavin and Philip stayed back at the beach, which I was inwardly thankful for. Gavin had been quiet and at times a bit rude towards Nathan. I wasn't sure if I wanted to invite him on the trip now, but I decided I'd talk to Olivia to try and figure out what was going on.

"You know I don't fish, right?" I admitted as Nathan and I walked up the slight incline towards my house. He flashed me an amused smile.

"You've grown up in a fishing town and you don't fish?"

"Hey, don't judge me," I scolded with a soft laugh. "I just find it boring. You just dangle a piece of string into the water and hope something catches onto it," I waved a hand in front of me to represent the rod. Given it was a bad impression but it got the point across. Nathan's head shook and he reached to take my shoulders, making me stop and face him.

"It is far more complicated than that," he chided before leaning down to press his lips against my forehead. It was a tender touch that sent shivers down my spine. I smiled as he released my shoulders, but I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Did you just patronise me with a kiss?"

"No," his smile was smooth before he reached up to pinch at my cheek. "But that was," he chuckled and I hit his hand away. His laugh increased and he stepped away from me. We'd stopped just outside of my house so this was going to be goodbye, "When I'm home I'll find you online. Also, I need my girlfriend's number?"

I couldn't stop smiling, "I'll send you a message." I replied and he nodded, giving me a small wave before walking up the hill towards Tyler's house. I watched him go, biting my bottom lip before turning towards my own house. It wasn't until I reached the porch that I noticed someone was sat in the bench at the front of my house. I paused, "How long have you been sat there?"

"Long enough," Olivia giggled and jumped to her feet. Unlike me she was dressed prettily in a flowing summer dress with braids in her wild hair. She bounced towards me, "So? Tell me all about it!"

And I did. The house was empty so we made ourselves at home in the living room, munching on snacks and beaming over the idea of my new relationship. Though the news of the boat party almost blew Olivia's head off. I actually recoiled at the pitch of her reaction.

"What?" She squeaked, jumping up and down on the sofa like an excited child. I placed my hands over my ears in protest.

"Careful, you're going to begin levitating - ah!" I yelped as she caught my arms before staring into my face.

"You do realise what this means don't you? We're going to Northridge and we're going to have an amazing day, on a boat with Taylor Reed and Nathan Fox," she breathed it as if it were some sort of shakespearean romance. "The sun will set and the boat will rock. Taylor will catch me as I stumble...and then he'll realise that I'm the girl he's been looking for his entire life." Her eyes were distant and almost glazed over as she imagined the picturesque scene. I let her fantasise for a moment but it was our phones binging that interrupted us.

Flicking my screen, I raised an eyebrow; Nathan had already changed his status to 'in a relationship' and so had I. He'd also befriended Olivia and now it seemed was setting up a group for this boat party. I clicked 'going' but then looked across to Olivia, "Seems like it's official."

"I need to plan an outfit," she breathed and I shook my head, leaning back against the sofa before frowning.

"It was weird, you know," Olivia glanced to me, her brow furrowing.

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