Chapter Twelve

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The warmth of the sun heightened with the passing of the day. I lay on my front against the pebbles whilst Nathan reclined next to me, propped up on his elbow, his expression a soft grin as I spoke, "After winning that three legged race I was hooked."

"But you decided running without being tied to a partner gave you better odds?" Nathan enquired with a chuckle.

"Only slightly," I giggled in response. Looking down at the array of pebbles in front of me, I selected one and picked it up. The gray surface was smooth and I rubbed my thumb over it in thought as my companion looked back out over the sea. We were silent for a while, but it wasn't awkward. In fact being in Nathan's company was perhaps the most natural I'd ever felt around someone. Even if my heart fluttered every time he smiled, "Nathan?"

"Fox," he corrected me, cocking his head to the side as he studied me. "Why do you refuse to use that name?"

I screwed up my face before glancing to him, "Nathan's more...normal."

"I guess being called a name like Lucy you're used to duller things," he teased and I couldn't help the smile that spread across my lips. I shook my head, dropping the pebble and picking up another one, "What did you want to ask me?" I regarded the smaller, white stone between my fingertips before looking up the beach.

"I'm just being nosey..."

"Then be nosey," Nathan grunted as he turned to lie on his back next to me, reaching up to rest his head on the upturned palms of his hands. He let out a long, relaxed breath, "You can ask me anything as long as you call me Fox."

"I think I can handle that," I admitted, but I didn't take my eyes off of the pebble as curiosity built in my gut. I looked across to him. His eyes were closed and his freckled features were soft. My eyes followed the harder line of his jaw and towards his lips, "Rumour has it that you came here to escape an ex-girlfriend..." I trailed off, looking back to the stone between my fingertips, "Well, it just made me think. What exactly would you be calling what we're doing?" I could feel the nerves inside of me building; flipping and tightening. I wanted to hide back under the water as soon as I'd asked it. I wasn't used to this. I'd never even kissed a boy before him and I wasn't sure if this was okay to discuss yet or not. Or if I was crossing a line.

Nathan turned his head to look at me then, his green eyes opening. He seemed to regard my tense expression before responding, "You seem nervous." He didn't move other than to watch me and I squirmed inwardly. It showed on my features as they tightened.

"Just...inexperienced?" I died a little inside admitting it, but if he was going to be the kind of boy to judge me then perhaps it was good to know that now before I got in too deep. I didn't look at him, but I felt him move beside me. He turned onto his side, resting on his elbow again.

"That's a vague word," he said and I rolled my eyes in my skull; I didn't want to go into details but at the same time I liked him. I needed to know where I stood, surely? I let out a shaking breath.

"And this is very difficult," I responded but blinked when he reached over to touch my hand, which was furiously rubbing at the pebble.

"Hey," he breathed and I finally looked to him. He was studying my face, his expression gentle. There was no judgement in his eyes even as I felt as though I was going to explode. The corner of his mouth raised, "I don't want this to be difficult for you." His eyes flickered over my features, "You look so worried."

"Well, I like you," I responded as my heart thudded against my ribcage. "And I don't know where to go from here..."

"Well, how about I ask you out?" Nathan replied before rubbing his thumb over my knuckles, "Officially?" I blinked. It was what I'd been wanting, but it felt too good to be true. I didn't stop the smile that spread across my face but I did duck my head to hide the blush that accompanied it. My salty, blonde hair fell in front of my cheeks but he reached over to tuck it back behind my ear, "Hey, don't leave me hanging here."

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