Pov: Yuuki// Evil Encounters

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Previously on Deadly Desires: Yuuki has a fight with Ichigo in the middle of class and storms out. Her friend and fellow orphan, Richy, quickly follows and the two decide to ditch class together. All might seem well, but how long can Yuuki really go without her fate as a vampire really catching up to her?

"I-it hurts. . ." I cried.

"Yuuki, are you okay?!" Richy asked. We were both laughing so hard it hurt.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine," I said taking a deep breath. The sun was setting, it was probably almost six and we had been out the whole day. We had simply been walking all day, looking around and talking but it had been so much fun.

"I never knew you were so much fun! Probably because you were so rude to Ichigo that I never give you a chance. I'm happy you were rude to him," I said, giggling.

"Me too. Anyways, what exactly happened between you two? If you don't mind me asking. . ." Richy asked.

"I can't really say," I told him, trying to avoid the question. "Let's just say, he wasn't really who he said and betrayed me. Sort of used me." Richy made a sad face when I told him that.

"Did you lose your. . . To him?" He suddenly asked.

"W-what?!?!?! No!" I quickly denied it. "B-but anyways!!! You have good judgement, what made you so rude to Ichugo that day?" I asked.

After a moment I looked up at Richy to see him very hesitant, he was biting his lip. "Hello. . .? Earth to Richy?" I repeated.

"I-I, uh. . ." He stuttered.

"If it bothers you that much you don't have to tell me!!! But, what are you hiding Richy? What are you hiding?!" I teased.

"N-nothing, it's nothing!!!!!!" He shouted, extremely red. I laughed, looking at him. He looked into the distance and his face changed from blushing and embarrassed to shocked and confused.

"What's wrong, Richy?" I asked.

"Hinata?" He said. Confused, I looked into the direction he was looking at and I was shocked. It wasn't Hinata. . . But it was Mizuki. After walking I then realized, Richy and I had ended up only a mile away from the forest. I didn't expect to see her but there she was.

"That's not Hinata!!!!!" I cried.

"W-wha...?!" He cried. She stepped forward in a fast, swift movement and tilted Richy's neck about to bite him.

"Get the fuck off of him!!!!!" I yelled. I knew he couldn't become a vampire unless he was bit on a full moon but I still didn't want him getting bit. I tried to push her off but she was way too strong. She laughed at how hard I was trying.

"I could do it right now. . ." She teased in her usual distant voice.

Richy squirmed, "W-what the hell. . .?!"

She smirked and let go, crossing her arms. "Wow, so this is the big sister I waited for years to come and save me. She always said I had a sister, although at the time I thought she was my real mother, but even so I always wished you'd save me from this terrible fate. But hey, it came so, why not enjoy it?" Itwas the first time I ever heard her speak so much, but even so she was still extremely distant. "Whatever happens to Hinata is just payback." She said and then tried to scare me by sticking out her teeth. But I didn't even flinch. I stuck my vampire teeth right back at her, forgetting Richy was there.

"Don't. . . DON'T EVEN FUCKING THINK ABOUT IT!!!!!!!!!" I cried. Knowing that anger was one of the causes of turning, I could feel my eyes turned a different color. Suddenly Mizuki leaned over, swiftly again about to rip my neck clean out. I could only remember her come straight towards me with her fangs sticking out, staring straight at my neck with a look of nothing but brutal force.

"Yuuki!!!!!!" Richy yelled and just in time pulled me towards him. I looked at him for a second and then he started to run still holding my wrist. I looked back to see Mizuki with a sick smile. We kept running, without saying a word, and eventually we had stopped in front of the house and I started walking towards the door.

"Yuuki... What was that?" He asked behind me. The question that I had feared he'd ask.

"I-it was nothing," I lied.

"Yuuki, at this point I'm not an idiot. I think I deserve an explanation. Why can't you just stop lying already?" He asked.

I turned around, "Because it's not easy, Richy!!!! The world isn't supposed to know, outsiders shouldn't know!! It's enough that Ms. Maple knows!! It's none of your bussiness, don't you understand I'm some freak?! So stop fucking bugging me!!!!" I turned back around immediately regretting what I said and expecting Richy to be hurt but when I started running up the stairs to the door I felt him grab my wrist. I refused to turn around but tears stung the corners of my eyes.

"I. . . I don't think you're a freak." Silence. I thought about what he said. I faced him.

"I-I'll tell you. One day. But for now. . . Just please forget it?" I begged him.

"I don't know if I can. . . But I'll try," he assured me. I smiled slightly and we stood there for a second just staring at each other before I realized I had been looking into his eyes too long.

"A-anyways!!" I cried and started walking back to the door. I may have been upset at first but a part of me actually felt relieved that. . . Richy kinda accepted me.

Yay~! Omg I have too much planned for this story but anyways if you like this one you might wanna check out my others one like "Broken" and "Kado Satsugai"

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