Pov: Yuuki// Love, Lust, And More Mistakes

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Warning: Following chapter may contain slightly intimate details and excessive thirst from Yuuki.

Previously on Deadly Desires: Richy and Yuuki have gotten even closer as friends after that one day where they ditched together. Richy knows that Yuuki was hurt by Ichigo and for that reason hates him. Yuuki ends up overwhelmed by emotions still held for Ichigo and when she goes over to talk about the Bad Vampires she finds out that Mizuki, Hinata's evil twin, is out to permanently take control of Hinata. And when she does, Hinata's first job will be to kill Yuuki! Feeling the stress she makes the mistake of having sex with Ichigo and regrets it. How will Yuuki react to all the events. . .?

I dug my face into my knees feeling ashamed. Ichigo had hurt me and here I was selling myself to him, desires had overcome me and I was disgusted to admit that. I tried to shake the thought out of my head but I just couldn't. The worst part was that I had actually enjoyed it, perhaps it was somehow in my vampire genes. Maybe I was just being stupid. In the same way that I wanted blood but felt guilty in the mornings was how the experience was. It was almost an irresistible feeling but full of guilt. And I hated myself for even wanting to, the same way I had held animosity for my constant desire to have blood. I felt like a slut, even if it was with only one person. I tried to tell myself it was okay since it had been with one person but I still hated it.

It was almost 8 and I had accomplished absolutely nothing that day but contemplate everything that had happened. I didn't have the heart to tell Hinata anymore news. In a way, I was scared she'd find this to be better then dying. But having a controlled soul is no way to live. . .

"Yuuki!!!!!" The door slammed open and I looked up to see Ms. Maple.

"I have to go! There's a family emergency!! I'll leave you and Richy in charge," she said, her voice was wobbly and on the verge of tears.

"I want to go with you," Hinata suddenly said. "I think Yuuki needs to be alone."

Ms. Maple considered this, "I can't leave her alone! But I'll take you with me so then she at least has no one to take care of. When I come back, make sure you tell me what's wrong. You've been locked up all day. Bye!!!!" She yelled, running out with Hinata and closing my door. She seemed extremely nervous and upset. I sat up and let my feet touch the floor as I stared at the tiles.

Suddenly, there was a knock on my door. "Yuuki?" I heard a voice say. Richy. He'd hate me if he knew about what had happened with Ichigo. He came in, not hearing a response.

"You alright? You've been locked up in your room all day," he said. I nodded, not taking my eyes off from the tiles. He sat next to me.

"No you're not. . . What happened? You didn't come home until early in the morning last night. Ms. Maple may not have noticed but I did," he told me. Guilt. . . Guilt. . . Guilt. The guilt was eating me up. I looked at him in the eyes and it came out like word vomit.

"I had sex with Ichigo," I blurted out. I automatically covered my mouth and closed my eyes not wanting to see his reaction. But there was silence and when I opened my eyes Richy was looking at me with sad, hurt eyes, but in some way angry.

"You. . . Had. . . Sex. . . WITH ICHIGO?!?!?!?!?!" He repeated me. He wasn't talking in the fun, loving and caring way he always did. No, he was extremely aggressive. In a way it was scary but I was deeply intrigued. He leaned closer and I got up from the bed.

"I-I'm sorry. . ." I aopolgized. He got up and got closer. I knew he wouldn't hurt me, that was one thing I would bet my life savings on. But even so, his intimidating look made me feel frightened.

"You're sorry?!?!?!?!?!" He yelled, and that's when it looked as if something inside of him broke. I backed up until my back was against the wall and he put his arms next to me, blocking me from any escape, as if to trap me. I was face to face with him and his eyes seemed like fire. In a way it was terrifying. . . But kind of hot. And that made me feel all the more guilty.

"YOU DON'T GET TO BE SORRY!!!!! Don't you get it?!?!?!?! Ichigo is just able to have sex with you after breaking your heart?!?!?!?!?!" He screamed. I looked at him feeling terrible. "How do you think I feel?!?!?!?!?! I have never done anything to hurt you!! I've done nothing but. . . Nothing but fucking love you!!!!!!!" He yelled. My jaw dropped and I stared at him. Did he just say he loves me? My heart was beating rapidly and I couldn't think straight. Why hadn't I known this before?!?!?!?! In a way, it kind of made sense. The way he was always there for me. . . And that's when I realized, he had every right to be angry. I was having sex with Ichigo who broke my heart and didn't deserve it while Richy patiently loved me and I, in return. . . Hurt him.

"Yuuki. . . I haven't gotten not even the littlest kiss. But Ichigo gets your virginity by hurting you. . .? Why not me. . .?" He asked and I had no idea what to say. Was he implying that he wished it was him I lost it too. . .  I blushed and I could see him clench his hands as he looked down. He looked up after a few minutes of silence.

"Yuuki. . . You idiot, I love you," he admitted.

My eyes widen, my cheeks flushed and my heart beat became rapid. "Rich-" I started to say but he suddenly kissed me. It wasn't like kissing a vampire but it was still passionate and aggressive, I could feel every ounce of love. I had felt loved by Ichigo, but not in the same way.

There was many differences, Ichigo's kiss was sort of desired in a way since he was a vampire, and passionate and aggressive as well. Richy's was more loving and even gentle but passionate and aggressive all in one. . . Intimate. Even if he was as pissed as he was, he was still gentle and that made my heart flutter and I possibly was falling in love too. But I wasn't sure if I was over Ichigo. The kiss kept getting deeper and deeper and with every passing second more aggressive. I could feel Richy put his hand slightly up my shirt, grabbing my waist.

"R-Richy, wait. . ." I said through kisses, trying to catch my breath.

"Why. . .?" He asked, not wanting to stop.

"I-I don't know if I'm over Ichigo!" I admitted.

He looked at me, in a loving but lustful way. "I don't care," he said. It was surprising, I had never seen him act like this but it made my heart beat. It was beyond attractive, perhaps I had some sort of weak side for aggression but whatever it was, it was working. It continued until we were both sitting back on the bed. It felt like any second I would just lay down and he'd follow and things would go further.

"I-I don't think we should go further. . ." I said, trying to avoid another mistake.

"Why not?" He asked. He stopped kissing me and looked at me with a hurt expression. I was slightly taken aback by this blunt confession of wanting to go further.

"B-because it's not right. I just did it with Ichigo and I'm not sure who I like. . ." I told him, blushing.

"I said I don't care. Do you not want to?" He asked. I opened my mouth but then bit my lip. I wanted to say no, but that wasn't the truth.

"It would be slutty," I said.

"I won't tell," he promised. He leaned in for another kiss and the deal was sealed. In a way, I couldn't help it. It was like sucking blood on a full moon. I knew I'd regret it in the morning but the desire was unbearable. I felt like a slut but it didn't matter. Richy was extremely persuasive and I already wanted to as it was. So there I went, making another mistake I knew I'd worry about in the morning.

That wasn't so bad!! Hopefully😂Thank you for reading! Love ya❤️

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