Pov: Hinata// Power To Do Something

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Previously on Deadly Desires: The full moon is now here and Hinata and Ms. Maple have just come back from the family emergency. Yuuki is extremely messed up over the recent drama and has yet to tell Hinata about Mizuki's new plan to forget about the twin effect and permanently control Hinata's soul instead. But one things for sure, thirst is upon these vampires.

Yuuki most definitely was not herself, but everytime I tried to talk to her, she refused to talk. She had been silent and it worried me, especially because tonight was going to be the first full moon of a long week. I walked into the kitchen.

"Hey Ms. Maple, how you doing??" I asked making sure she was okay after she had lost her cousin.

She sighed, "Life must go on I guess. It's just. . . She. . . She was like a sister to me." I looked at Ms. Maple, I had never seen her so sad. She was been extremely close to her cousin, after all she had no siblings, and with all the drama happening it was not a good time.

"I hope you feel better, but, um, tonight's a full moon," I reminded her.

"Huh?? Oh, y-yeah. I got some apples on the counter," she pointed out.

"Well, thank you very much. They help and all but. . . We're not exactly going to resist with just that. . ." I admitted. She sighed and tapped her foot.

"I know, I know. I'll lock you guys into seperate rooms and just pray you don't lose control," she said. I didn't think it would work but I had no intentions of stressing anyone out. I was just hoping the Twin Effect wouldn't take over, it hadn't come in a while so I wasn't sure.

. . .

As night approached I was locked in the kitchen while Yuuki was in her room. I couldn't stop breathing heavily, it was painful from the soul to my body. The full moon was there and I could feel my teeth change, as well as, my eyes. I should have been used to it but I was starting to wonder if a vampire ever gets used to it.

I paced and paced, I couldn't get anything but thoughts of blood. It was painful, and I couldn't stand it. In a way I hated myself for wanting blood so badly, for wanting to do what that terrible woman had done to our parents. But it burned so badly, I grabbed an apple and bit into it. It helped but only slightly. It didn't taste the same way that blood did. I could still remember the taste of one of the chickens I had bit once.

Suddenly, Coco had popped into my mind and I chuckled slightly. I was so sad over the poor thing, back when I was so innocent. I took deep breaths, laid on the table and closed my eyes. I tired to sleep but I couldn't. It was a long night and it didn't help to know I had to wake up to go to school. I just felt so unfulfilled without any blood. . . I looked down at my arm and suddenly got an idea I hadn't thought of. It was probably extremely stupid but it was this feeling that just was unbearable and made you go insane.

You ever sit down and watch something or someone you love, this image you had, just crumble and break in front of you? Like everything you dreamed of was just gone and you wanted more than anything just to stop it all from happening but it wasn't in your power to do so. That's how wanting blood felt, except I had the power to do something, something that I'd wake up feeling guilty about.

I bit down on my arm and just to sip a little of my blood was a relief. I kept drinking and drinking until I fainted. It had probably been one dumb idea but, damn, did it feel good.

Hope you liked it! This is a bit of a filler/teaser but um, yeah. Happy 50th chapter!!!🎉🎈

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