2 hours

704 25 9

6 days later 

September's POV 

"Cameron all I need is one more day please" I beg,"no September we agreed on 6 days" he says."But Cameron I'm so close to figuring it out" I say,"there should be nothing to figure out" he says."This should tell us everything we need to know" he says holding up the paper.The sunlight shines through the paper and I look at it."Cameron give that to me" I say,he hands it to me and I hold it back up to the light."It's fake" I say,"what" he asks.

"Come here" I pull his arm,he wraps his arms around my waist,"look baby don't you see it" I point to it with my fingernail."All I see is paper" he says making me laugh,"silly boy" I shake my head."You see the watermark" I ask,"yeah it says Microsoft" he replies."Wouldn't a company use there own name as a watermark" I ask,"yeah I guess" he says.I read over it before speaking,"and also contraception is spelled wrong" I point to it."So" he asks,"words are never spelled wrong on company letters or emails" I say."Where did you learn this" he asked,"In a class I got in high school" I say.

"What was this class and how come I never had it" he asked,"some weird class with computers" I laugh."Do you think she's your's" I ask smile,"nope" he says and my smile drops."Cameron I just gave you prove" I say turning around to face him,"you just proved was fake" he said."Cameron give me 2 hours" I say,"fine" he says.The doorbell rings and I answer it,"what up September" Skate says."Skate" I hug him,"you got my stuff" I ask."Yep" he holds up the little bag of weed,I go to grab it and he pulls it away."50" he says,"last time was 30" I state.

"But this shit straight from Mexico babygirl" he says,I think for a minute.I take out $50 from my pocket,"Asshole" I give him the money.He gives me the bag and put it in my pocket,"uncle Skate" Raelynn says."Hey RaeRae" he scoops her up,"what are you doing here" Raelynn asks."Doing business with mommy" he looks me in the eye,he puts her down and she runs off."She's cute" he says,"I know" I say."Why do you keep me as a costumer if I treat you like shit" I ask,"because I like your business" he says.

"You mean my ass" I ask,"yeah and your boobs" he says."Well I got more costumers to tend to" he says,I hug him and he squeezes my ass.Me and Nate have a love hate relationship,and I can't lie there was a time a had sex with him for weed."Don't change babygirl" he says,"Kay Nate" I say."See you in a couple weeks" he says,"Kay" I kiss his cheek and he leaves.

Revenge (Sequel to Pschyopath)                         (On hold)Where stories live. Discover now