Choked up

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Cameron's POV 

"September baby don't leave" I held her wrist,"no Cameron you need help" she yelled."No I don't" I yelled back,"and besides you're addicted to weed and I don't complain" I said."When have I ever hurt someone when I was high" she asked,"it doesn't matter I don't want you smoking around our daughter" I said."Okay fine" she said,"no September I mean it" I said."Cameron" she raised her voice,she was holding on to my wrist tightly.

"When you are like that around me or around Raelynn I can't breathe and I tell you but you don't listen" she said and took a deep breath."You never listen to me" she said with her eyes closed,tears started rolling down her cheeks."You won't stop and I don't know what to do" she said with a shaky voice,I pulled her into a hug."I never knew I made you feel like that" I said with a tear slipping out of my eye,I bury my face into her hair and someone pulls on my pant leg.

"Daddy what's wrong with mommy" Raelynn asked,we both looked down at her.September got out of my grip and we both sat on the kitchen counter with Raelynn between us,"so mommy and I were talking" I say."And" she asked,"we're putting you up for adoption now get in your cage" September said."Daddy" Raelynn whined,"mommy's joking we were talking and you're getting a puppy" I said."Really" she asked,"no" I laughed.

"Is anything happening" she asked,"well me and mommy were talking and worked out one of our issues" I said."Good for you but do I get anything" she said,"we can all have ice cream together" September said heading for the freezer.She bent over and I wolf whistled,she got up with the ice cream and held up her middle finger.I chuckled,"don't do that" she laughed sitting on the counter.

I got 3 spoons and gave one to Raelynn and the other to September,we start eating and September looks at Raelynn.She wipes some ice cream from the corner of Raelynn's mouth and I smile,"Raelynn tonight you're staying with uncle Nash and uncle Hayes" I said."Why" she asked,"cause I'm taking mommy to a fancy dinner" I looked at September."I wanna go" she said,"sorry Rae it's for grown ups" September said.

Raelynn started fake crying,"aww how cute you think that works" September laughed.She made puppy dog eyes,"you're not fooling anyone" I said."And now you don't get ice cream" September said,"mommy I know what I want for my birthday" Raelynn said tugging on September's sleeve."What" she asked,"I want a little brother" she said.September choked,"you want a what" she asked."A little brother" she repeated,"go in the other room I gotta talk to mommy" I put her down.

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