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Third POV

Micah groans as the lights blind his eyes.

"Goddamnit! Who opened the curtains?"

"I did, hijo."

Micah looked up at his father and groaned. He never understood why his father liked to punish him by waking up early.

"Pero porque papa?(But why dad?)"

Micah's father chuckles at his son's whiny voice.

"Quién te dijo que salir a emborracharse como la mierda anoche? (who told you to go out and get drunk as fuck last night?)"

"Papa, I'm twenty-two and if I want to emborracharme then I damn well will. "

His father stared at him with amusement in his eyes.

"With that attitude, I'd think you were five years old instead."

"Where's the girls and Nick?"

"In the living room."

"How did we get here?"

"I believe Gabby was a bit more sober than the rest of you last night so she called me to help her get you three home."

"Ah, gracias, papa."

"No problem, now take a shower and come down to eat. But, first, take these."

Micah nods and takes the offered Tylenol. He swallows the pill and chases them with a bottle of water. He doesn't stop till the bottle is empty. He gets up and grabs some clothes that he left behind and walks toward the bathroom. The towels are in the small closet that is right beside the entrance so he doesn't worry about it. He turns the water on and begins to undress as he waits for the right water temperature. He shivers as his warm pale skin is exposed to the cold air. He can't help but rub a bit at his goose pimpled skin. He quickly steps into the warm water and sighs in pleasure.

As he begins his usual shower routine, he can't help but think back to the night before. Every time a male would chat him up, someone would come up and take them away. It was weird and very welcomed because he did not want to have to deal with anyone trying to get into his pants. Everyone there knows who Micah is and how sexy he is. They also know that he is a virgin because Micah got extremely drunk the last time he was there and told everyone who trying to get into his pant to "fuck each other" since he was a virgin and probably wasn't "going to fuck someone without some sort of commitment so those looking for a night of fun to back da fuck off." Gabby had recorded the whole thing because Micah had gotten on stage and said that after singing or rapping Iggy Azalea's Flash. That song was extremely sexual and Micah was dancing extremely provocatively. Shaking and grinding his ass into the guitarist's or bassist's crotch area. Everyone in the crowd was wolf whistling, laughing and/or clapping. So every since then some people have seen Micah as some sort of conquest. They tried everything from pretending to date him or drugging him. Thank god, he was friends with the bartender, who saw what the guy had put in Micah's drink. It made him distrust men for that reason, but he's learned to trust some people. He relies on his gut to help him out and it hasn't steered him wrong.

Micah is rinsing his hair off when the knock on the door causes him to slip. Luckily, he catches himself on the little handlebar on the side.


"We have to get back to the house before lunch. It's currently 9:27. This being said, hurry up so we can eat and leave."

"Okay, um what is going on at the house?"

"Gio had Luci help him out during breakfast. No doubt the brat is complaining about being the only one there to help. Since it is Monday, Mr. Michael and Stone are at work. Fred drove them there. The women are either in their rooms or planning some sort of lunch with their friends. I know Ms.Cat usually goes for a walk around this time."

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