Sister of The Shield (Chapter 7)

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Emily had a talk with Seth once Dean and Roman left, she was upset that Seth didn't tell her what was going to happen. Seth had turned his back on his Shield brothers. Seth didn't want her to be mad.

"I'm not really mad... just surprised and kind of hurt. Roman is my brother, and Dean is my best friend, how can you expect me not to be upset?"

Seth then takes her into his arms and hugs her.

"I'm really sorry Emily. I didn't mean to hurt you."

Seth kisses her and her hurt and anger seemed to fade away. She was really surprised with the next thing he said.

"I would never do anything to hurt you on purpose... You know I love you... right?"

Emily was surprised by this. Bray Wyatt was secretly watching them. He had always admired Emily and loved seeing her smile, but talked to himself behind a corner where no one heard him.

No... he doesn't. Don't listen to him... Don't let him lie to you Emily. He... does not love you. I know guys like him... He's no good. He's just not good for you Emily. He'll never change... don't listen to his lies. He doesn't love you... Not like I do."

Bray continued to listen and secretly watch as he hoped that Emily wouldn't fall for Seth's words. Unfortunately for Bray, Emily had been hurt many times. Emily had a crush on Seth and she thought what she was feeling was love. They had only been together for about a week and wasn't thinking clearly. She wasn't mad at him anymore and she kissed Seth.

"I love you too Seth."

Bray shook his head and thought to himself.

"It looks like she will have to find out on her own... the hard way. I was hoping that she would be able to see through his lies. She's going to end up hurting because of him. Everyone makes mistakes... The last thing I want for you Emily, is to see you suffer, but this is a lesson you have to learn. Seth Rollins is a mistake Emily... but you will soon find that out for yourself."

Bray turned and went walked the other way to leave for the night. Bray constantly had Emily on his mind. He had never introduced himself to her since she was with Seth, but that didn't mean that he could watch over her. He wanted to desperately tell her what was going on with Seth, and how he felt about her, but he knew he couldn't do either of those things. If it was meant to be, fate would bring them together, if not, Bray would just stick to admiring her from a distance. The next week, Seth and Emily seemed to be closer than ever. They were still trying to keep their relationship a secret from Roman, but things between Emily and Seth seemed to go to the next level everytime they were around each other. Emily was in her usual room to help anyone that may have needed medical attention when Seth came in.

"Hey babe."

Emily smiled at him.

"Hey Seth, you're here early."

"Yeah well... I thought I'd try to get here before Roman, and before everyone else so we could have a little alone time."

Seth gave her a quick kiss.

"I missed you... it's been two days since we've seen each other."

"I missed you too Seth."

Seth kissed her again, harder and deeper this time. Emily had missed him, but pulled away. She was afraid that someone would see them. Seth was a little frustrated at this.

"I don't get it Emily... you say you missed me, but you won't even let me kiss you."

"I have missed you Seth... I just feel like we're pushing our luck a little. Someone is going to find out what's going on. We need to be careful."

"So What? I really don't care at this point... maybe I'm tired of being careful."

Seth backs her against a wall, wraps his arms around her and kisses her deeply again, Emily closes her eyes as she felt her heart pounding up against his and she kissed him back. Seth should have listened to Emily because the very person that they didn't want to know what was going on figured it out. Instead of blowing up right then and there, Roman decided to save his energy for when he faced Seth later on. He wasn't exactly sure if Emily had willingly kissed Seth, or if he had forced himself on her. Not only did Roman want to kick Seth's ass for stabbing him in the back and turning on The Shield, but also for messing around with his sister. He would also have a talk with Emily about this when the time was right. He was definitely not happy that Seth was kissing his sister, but he took his anger with him and went to go warm up. He then realized that the breakup of The Shield wasn't the only thing Emily was hiding from him. Roman was gone now and Seth and Emily were so into the moment. It was almost like Emily forgot that she didn't want anyone to catch them together, a part of her didn't care. Emily was so dazed that she soon began to realize that Seth's hands began to travel around her body, and his lips began to kiss her in places other than her face. She was already against a wall and he pressed his body against hers and kissed her neck. Emily wasn't exactly comfortable with this and came to her senses, she knew this wasn't right.


Seth had his eyes closed, he was taking in her scent, and kept his body pressed up against hers.

"Hmm?... You smell... so good babe... Mmm... Why don't we... take this... to the locker room? Just the two of us... I can... lock the door... then we can... do... whatever we want babe."

Seth kissed her neck in between certain words, and this was when she really became nervous and uncomfortable and whined as she tried to push him away.

"Seth... stop it."

Seth was getting pissed off now.

"What the hell Emily?!... Don't be playing around like this... Don't start something only to stop."

"You need to stop Seth!"

"Stop what?! All I want to do is love you and kiss you, but you won't even let me do that!"

Emily was getting a little scared because Seth had raised his voice at her. She thought things were going too fast, and she didn't exactly like the way things were going. She knew what he was trying to do. Before she could say anything else he got off of her and started pacing the room.

"You know what?... Forget it! ... It's obvious now that I made a mistake... I opened up to you... I told you how I felt about you... It's clear to me now that you don't feel the same."

"What? No... Seth, it's not like that at all. It's just... all of this seems to be going way too fast. We just got together about two weeks ago... and already you're telling me that you love me and... I just think all of this is happening too fast. I need a little time to think, and a little bit of space... Please don't be mad at me."

Seth stood still now and took a breath.

"Why didn't you just tell me? If you wanted time to think, all you had to do was ask. We can take things slow... No problem. I'll leave you alone now."

Seth goes to walk out of the room, but Emily called out to him.

"Wait!... You're not mad at me... Are you?"


Emily gave him a small smile and hugged him.

"Are you sure?"

"I promise... I'm not mad. I need to go get ready... I'll see you later ok?"

Seth gave her a quick and gentle kiss.

"I love you Emily."

"I love you too Seth."

They smiled and waved goodbye to each other and Seth left. He could fake a smile around her, but once he left the room, he rolled his eyes and stormed down the hallway. It was obvious to Seth now that he wasn't going to get what he wanted from Emily.

(To be continued.)

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