Sister of The Shield (Chapter 28)

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Sister of The Shield

Chapter Twenty Eight

Emily didn't know how l, but she somehow fell was the first one there with her, they had talked briefly before Bray told her to get some rest. She had been through a traumatic event, so far to the point that she tried to take her own life, but no one knew about that. She fell asleep to the gentle and warm touch of Bray holding her hand. Later on Dean came in and Roman not long after that. Bray never really got along with Dean or Roman. The last time Bray and Roman were seen together, Roman had beat the hell out of him in a match, this was because Roman thought that Bray attacked Emily. Ever since Roman had been out because of his surgery, Dean had been watching over her. Roman also had been paying attention to everything that had been going on between Emily, Bray, and Seth. Every time he saw Emily on tv, Roman would notice how much more comfortable she seemed around Bray. Dean called Roman and told him what happened, and Roman got on a plane and arrived in Baltimore as soon as he could. He arrived at the hospital about an hour after Raw ended. Roman was glad that Seth was punished somehow, but a part of him wished that Seth hadn't of got fired and arrested, because he wanted to kick Seth's ass for what he did. Basically, everyone wanted to get their hands on Seth. Even though Dean and Roman didn't get along with Bray, they all agreed that Seth deserved to get his ass kicked, and here they were, together peacefully just for Emily. Roman saw a lot of thing on screen, but he still didn't know that Bray and Emily were together. He didn't exactly know what to think when he walked into the room and saw Bray holding Emily's hand. He looked at Bray, then at Dean before quietly speaking so that he wouldn't wake her.

"How is she?"

Bray looked at Emily and then at Roman before speaking.

"She's hurting... physically, mentally and emotionally, and she's scared. She woke up at one point when I got here, I didn't expect for her to feel like talking, she had been through a traumatic experience, her eyes were red from where she had been crying. I told her that she needed her rest, but we haven't heard from a doctor yet so I don't really know anything else."

A few minutes go by and a doctor comes in the room and started talking to them.

"Hello gentlemen, I have some information about Emily... We were first called to a hotel because she had cut her wrists and lost a lot of blood, but she was also raped. We will have to keep her here for a few days until she recovers, but we also need to keep her so that we can test her for pregnancy or any sexual diseases. Thanks to blood donors, we were able to save her. We were really lucky that we got to her when we did, if she would have stayed there a few more hours, she probably wouldn't have made it."

Dean was slightly confused.

"Wait... So, you're saying that she was raped, but she cut her own wrists?"

"Yes... A lot of times after something traumatic like this happens, sometimes this can lead patients into shock, and sometimes even depression. They do this to try to get rid of or lessen the pain, some have even tried taking their own lives."

The doctor left, all of the men looked at each other with shocked expressions on their faces. This wasn't just a physical problem, but also a mental and emotional problem. None of them were really there for her when she needed them, but Emily was hurting so bad that she tried to take her own life. She would need as much help and support as she could get. After traumatic experiences, some people just wish that they were dead instead of living through the pain and a memory that would haunt them for a lifetime. Bray understood more than anyone knew because his own sister had been raped, only she had been killed. Bray felt like he really needed to talk to Dean and Roman and this.

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