Sister of The Shield (Chapter 39)

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It had been months, almost a year since Emily and Bray first started dating. As far as things went with WWE, it seemed like Seth really had changed because there had been no more issues with him. He never even really passed by the medical room, he would take an alternate route to get where he needed to go. He had no reason to bother Emily, but he did think about her every now and then about where they could have possibly gone if he hadn't messed up. After months of nonstop matches and traveling from city to city, Bray and Emily had somehow managed to get a weekend off so they could spend time together. One thing Bray learned about Emily was that she was a nature lover. She loved animals, but she would also always talk about how she found beauty and peace in taking in the scene of the land around her. She wouldn't always get to take things in because of the demanding schedule of WWE. She would say how beautiful the beaches and mountains of North Carolina were. Charlotte and Raleigh were really the only major cities, North Carolina was just one of those states that WWE just passed through, but it was state with mountains and beaches and it was one of her favorite states to drive though. Sometimes Emily and Bray would travel together, but Emily had a new car and this time they drove separate because Bray wanted to find a place where they could stay for the weekend. There were several campground areas. There were hiking trails, bike trails, and trails where people could drive to get off the main roads. People stayed in tents, camper RVs, and then there were separate cabins where they would have their own privacy away from the rest of the world. Bray paid so that they could stay in a cabin for the weekend. Bray got there first, it took Emily a while to find the place because her GPS kept acting up. She had done a lot of driving, she was physically and mentally tired of all the traveling with WWE and grew frustrated with her GPS acting up, she just wanted to find the place, find Bray and enjoy the weekend. Finally Emily found the campground, and despite being tired, she smiled from ear to ear and blushed when she saw Bray. Her heart was racing, she parked her car, put her keys in her pocket, got out of her car and hugged Bray.

"I finally made it! I wasn't sure if I would ever get here. My GPS had me going in circles. I don't know how many times it said recalculating. That's the most annoying thing in the world. I'm sorry... How long have you been waiting for me?"

"Maybe about twenty or thirty minutes. It's not that big of a deal, we're not in a rush, that's why we're here... To slow down and get away from everything. We've got the whole weekend together."

Bray and Emily's relationship had come so far. Emily had been the first one to kiss him. Then she wanted Bray to kiss her. Things were no longer awkward between them, at times Emily would kiss Bray, but this time Bray kissed her. She always seemed so stressed, he hoped that this weekend away would help take away that stress.

"It's been years since I've been camping. The last time I went camping was when I was in Girl Scouts. It was one of my favorite things to do growing up, when I went camping, I would really feel like I was one with nature. One thing that's kept me from wanting to go camping is hearing about the number of bear attacks."

"I wouldn't worry about that..."

Bray laughed a little as he continued.

"You've got your teddy bear here to protect you, who happens to be a wrestler."

Emily laughed at this.

"You're right."

They went to the cabin and unpacked their stuff. The cabin had heat and air, but also a fireplace they could sit by. It was a nice, cozy cabin in the woods. The first day they spent together, they decided to just relax in the cabin. It was mid October, things were warm during the day, but things were much cooler once the sun went down. Bray noticed that Emily seemed cold, she held her hands around her arms like she was trying to stay warm.

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