Sister of The Shield (Chapter 19)

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Emily had finished her medical work for the night and Bray showed her how he wrapped up his hand. When Bray was wrapping her arm, he had her hand in his, and his touch was so gentle. Their eyes met, and they smiled at each other as they shared a moment. Bray had remembered that Emily said she didn't mind when he kissed her hand so he kissed her hand again. Once Emily was done for the night, she was packing up her medical supplies, before she left for the night, Bray stopped her. Emily was really surprised with what Bray had to say.

"I don't know if this is a good time for you with everything that's been going on, but I wanted to ask you... Emily, would you do me the honors of becoming my girlfriend?"

It was now or never. Would Emily give him a chance or did Emily just not like him like that? Emily had been in several bad relationships, but the last one with Seth really did a great bit of damage. Bray knew this and thought that she may not give him a chance because she may still be hurting, but while she was working she seemed so happy. They had also shared a moment together so Bray wanted to ask Emily before he lost his courage. Emily really had to think about it, she liked Bray, but it hadn't been that long that her and Seth broke up. She wasn't sure if she was ready for another relationship. She gave him an answer.

"Bray... I like you, and I'm not really saying no... but, as you already know, I had a bad break up with Seth not too long ago. I really would like to go out with you, but this just isn't a good time right now. I really hope you understand, and I really hope you're not upset with me, I'm just not ready for another relationship right now Bray... I'm sorry."

Emily didn't say anything else after that, and didn't really give Bray time to say anything back to her, she was upset again and she grabbed her supplies and ran out of the room. She made it to her car, she got in and made sure that the doors were locked. She cried a little as she thought about everything that had happened. Emily liked Bray and wanted to go out with him, but didn't for several reasons. She felt like Bray was different from Seth, but was still afraid of being hurt again. She felt like there was something wrong with her, because none of her relationships worked out. She had a crush on Seth before they even started going out, she didn't have feelings for him now, but she was still hurt because he had cheated on her. She had been in other relationships where she had been cheated on, but it hurt worse with Seth. This is because none of her other boyfriends had ever hit her or attacked before. Out of all of the relationships she had been in, Seth was the one that had done the most damage. She wanted someone that would love, care, and understand her, but she didn't want to be hurt again. Bray was so sweet to her, but that's how Seth started out too. It didn't take long for Seth to show his true colors. Emily felt like because of Seth, she had wrongfully judged Bray. Was he just acting sweet around her, or would Bray's true colors be like his onscreen character...dark, and heartless? Emily was so confused, she needed time to think. In a situation like this, was it better to think with your head, or with your heart? What was her heart telling her? Bray watched her leave the room. While a part of him wanted to run after her, he thought it would be best if he left her alone. He could tell that she was upset, she had started crying before she left the room. Emily had even said that she liked him and that she wanted to go out with him, but now wasn't a good time. Bray knew why she wouldn't say yes right away. He understood, she was still hurting from Seth, but he did slightly wonder if maybe Emily still had feelings for him. Bray still planned on sticking around to protect Emily, but he would need to be careful... he needed to take things slow with Emily. She still needed more time to heal. While it hurt Bray not to be with her, he would respect her wishes and give her the time she needed. Then, when the time is right, maybe she will come to him. A week had gone by, Bray had Emily's number, but didn't call her because he knew that he needed to give her time and space. Emily arrived at Raw the next week, she thought that she was on her own when it came to Seth because she thought that maybe Bray would be upset with her for not accepting his offer when he asked her. Dean wasn't needed for the night so when Emily got out of her car and started making her way to the medical room she was surprised when she saw Bray in there.

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