Sister of The Shield (Chapter 27)

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Emily had her phone turned off, she just couldn't bring herself to talk to anyone about what happened. No one would really understand, and she didn't think she could do it without breaking down into tears. Emily had made it to a hotel room and crashed on the bed. She was hurting physically, mentally, and emotionally. Even though she was alone in her hotel room and what happened was already over, it just kept playing over and over again in her mind. She had been crying for so long that her eyes were burning and red. When she was crying, she let out a few screams. She was still scared and shaking, she just wanted to forget about what happened, she wanted to forget ever meeting Seth Rollins, she just wanted the pain to go away. Emily never thought she would sink so low to this point, but she thought that if she felt a different kind of pain, it would stop her from feeling the pain she was constantly feeling. A part of her wished that she was dead. Emily left all of her medical supplies at the arena, but she did have a set of keys that were somewhat sharp. She took them in her hands and went into the bathroom. She looked at her reflection in a mirror, she looked terrible. She had bruises around her neck from Seth's hand, a black eye, and newly forming bruises on her face. Parts of her clothes were torn because of Seth, her hair was a mess, and her eyes were red and burning from crying so much. Her body was physically hurting everywhere and she was still physically shaking, and she couldn't stop crying.

She couldn't look at her reflection anymore, she slowly slid her back down the wall until she was sitting on the floor. Emily still had her keys in her hand, she had her knees pulled up against her chest and her arms tightly gripping her knees as she held her head down and cried. She couldn't find comfort in what she was doing. She then slowly held out her arm and had her keys in her other hand. She was crying and shaking, still unsure about if she wanted to do it. Finally, the pain was just too much for her and she pressed one of the keys hard into her skin. Nothing happened at first so she did it again. She then saw blood appear on her wrist. She didn't find this to be very helpful, so she ran the key across her wrist again. She felt the pain and let out a scream as more blood came out and dripped on the floor. She felt a great deal of pain leave her, like she was hurting because of what happened with Seth, but felt new pain from what she was doing. Emily was still upset and ran her keys on her other wrist cutting deep. She cried and screamed out in pain. She then looked at her hands as both of her wrists were heavily bleeding. She wasn't crying as much now, she felt herself bleeding more than she was crying. Emily was starting to feel dizzy from losing blood. She could have stopped her bleeding, but at this point, she didn't care if she lived or died. She finally closed her eyes and passed out from losing wasn't left laying long. A hotel maintenance attendent came into her room to do cleaning. When the cleaning lady got to the bathroom she freaked out and immediately called for help, an ambulance came and took her to a hospital.

Meanwhile back at the arena, Dean and Bray were still looking for Emily. Dean heard Triple H calling for Seth in the hallway. Dean went back around the corner and made sure that Seth didn't see him and he thought to himself.

"Of course... No one has seen Emily all night. I bet that Son of a Bitch Seth had something to do with it... Damn it! She won't answer her phone. Something had to have happened to her."

Dean was listening on the outside of The Authority's office. He was trying to listen to see if he could find anything out. On the inside of The Authority's office, Stephanie and Triple H were sitting behind a desk, there was a security guard there and Seth was standing in the room. Seth could see that Stephanie and Triple H did not look happy. The security guard had showed them the camera footage of Seth and Emily. Stephanie was the first one to speak. They decided that they would see if Seth would admit what he did before they showed him the video.

"Have a seat Seth."

Seth sat down confused.

"What's going on? I have a match that I need to warm up for."

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