Chapter Seven

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 ~ Sebastian Caine ~

   Okay, so I could understand a teeny bit why Jenny had gone all gaga. He really did look like a darker version of David Beckham. He was what most people would call perfection, but he did nothing for me whatsoever. Growing up amongst witches, I was used to super gorgeous guys. This guy was a three compared to some of the boys I'd met through my dad's connections on the Council. Xavier definitely topped out at a ten, though. I closed my eyes and groaned. I needed to stop doing that. I wanted Sebastian's attention. Not Xavier's.

"Melinda James?"

I nodded, doing my best to try to mimic the reactions of the girls around me. Think Blonde, I told myself over and over. Think Blonde.

"I'm Sebastian Caine. Mrs. Moore needs to see you about your paperwork in the office. She asked if I could stop and bring you by."

"Shouldn't you be in class?" Xavier countered.

"I have third period free," Sebastian said calmly, but the irritation was plain on his face. I got the feeling a lot of people didn't question him.

"Uh, sure," I said softly before standing up. "Do I need to bring my things?"

"I would." Sebastian gave me a warm smile before heading off to explain to the teacher. I think he meant to put me at ease, but it only made me nervous, and not in a good way. Like Mandy, there was something in his eyes that didn't sit right. It wasn't the malignant look she'd had, but it was something.

Xavier caught my hand as I was about to walk by him. "Be careful, Rose. I don't think you know what you're getting into."

Rose? No one called me that. I frowned at him, but said. "You're wrong. I know exactly what I'm doing."

His eyes said otherwise, but I didn't let it bother me. Much, anyway.

Sebastian walked with his hands in his pockets, like he was preoccupied, as we made our way to the office. I tried my best to look awed, but I'm not sure I pulled it off. He kept giving me odd glances as we walked.

"So," he finally said. "Everyone says you're a witch."

"I am," I answered honestly. I'd never made any pretenses about who I was, not even in LA. Most accepted it there because of how I dressed. Not that they thought I could do real magic, though. The majority of the population refused to believe in magic.

"Like a Wiccan or something?"

I laughed. "No, I'm not a Wiccan."

"But you just said you're a witch." He stopped and turned to face me. There was an openness on his face that shocked me. He seemed more than just curious.

"I'm a witch. I deal in witchcraft."

"There's a difference?"

I nodded. "Wicca is a religion. Its followers rely on gods and goddesses to perform their magic. I don't. I utilize the five Elements around us to do mine. Wicca is typically white magic as well. Witchcraft is a blending of both white and dark magic. There are no clear lines in witchcraft."

"So you do black magic too?"

"When I need to, sure."

"You're not at all impressed by me, are you?" he asked after a moment, the first real hint of smile tugging at his lips.

I could lie, but I didn't. He'd busted me, and if I wanted him to trust me, I had to be honest. "No, not really. I get that you're cute and all, but I've met cuter."

The Oath, Book 2 of The Coven SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now