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The next day was furniture day, the day where you and F/N go and buy some new furniture for the apartment. You get out of last night's clothes and put on a three quarter sleeve top and some black jeans. After breakfast you and your friend head off to the city. You looked in store after store, some of your findings included vintage seat, a wooden shelving unit, a rug shaped like a doughnut and a grey sofa.

After your shopping spree you and F/N start to unpack the furniture from the hire truck to put in the new apartment. You volunteered to take up the couch and your friend was going to take up the shelving unit, but the shelves took a while to get out of the truck, so they told you to go ahead and bring the couch up without them.

The couch was heavy, you pulled and heaved it up the stairs, and just as you reach the top of the stairs, you accidentally run into someone.

"Sorry!" You apologise weakly.

"That's fine, are you ok?" They ask.

The stranger turned around, his face looked concerned, and then you realized. the stranger's abnormal height, the brown eyes, the hobbit hair. The stranger that you ran over was Daniel James Howell.

"Are you ok?" he repeated

You were so shocked that you dropped the sofa.

"Shit!" you said as you watched it slide down the steps.

Dan looked like he just had a heart attack, he quickly chased after it and you followed.

When it finally reached the end of the stairway, you both caught up to it.

You stare at him and he stares back, then you both burst into uncontrollable laughter.

Dan held out his hand.

"I'm Dan" he said.

"Y/N" you replied with a smile.

"Well Y/N, I apologise for startling you at the top of the stairs, can I help you bring your couch to the apartment?"

"Um...sure! Thanks!" You manage to say.

After you both place the couch in the living room you turn around.

"Geez! That was heavy" you laugh and look down at Dan laying on his back gasping for air.

"Yeah." He stood up, "I'm really sorry, but I have to go. But it was nice meeting you Y/N."

"Nice meeting you too." You reply, shaking his hand.

After Dan left you ran to your room, closed the door, waited about 20 seconds and then screamed, not too loudly that he would hear you, but loud enough to let out all your excitement. You plug your phone into your stereo, blast some music and dance around like crazy. Then you collapse onto the bed and stare at the ceiling.

So many emotions run through your head. He's so nice, he's so tall, THE DIMPLE IS REAL, oh my god, I am living next to Dan and Phil, THE Dan and Phil! Holy shit! Asdfghjkl. Help.

You finish placing your new furniture into the apartment and go to bed, with the biggest smile on your face, replaying the whole conversation with Dan in your head over and over.

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