is this a date?

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Its 11:45 and you are walking down the streets of London giddy with excitement, DAN HOWELL ASKED YOU FOR COFFEE! WHAT IS THIS WORLD COMING TO??!!

You arrive at Starbucks, scanning the room until you see the familiar brown haircut of a tall boy at the back of the shop, you make your way over to Dan, he looks up from his phone to see you standing beside him and a big, goofy grin stretches over his face.

"You look amazing." He says. You sit down opposite him and smile,

"thanks" you reply.

"So, what do you think of this incredibly cold December afternoon?" he asks, waiting for a reply.

You laugh "God, you British people! Always going on about the weather!"

Dan grins and looks down at the table, then looks back up at you. "then what should we talk about smart ass?"

"I have no clue......" you respond. You look at Dan, he is smiling at you, you are a little nervous, but you ask anyway, "Is this a date?"

"yeah!" he replies, a smile crossing his face once again. "but this is only the start, y/n, I want to take you somewhere." Dan smiles and takes a sip of his drink, waiting for approval.

You look back at him, he looks hopeful, you are full of curiosity about where on earth he would take you on such a miserable day like this...

"Let's go." You say.

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