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You follow Dan through the chilly London streets while he grasps your hand excitedly weaving through the crowds of people and you can't help but notice how tall he is compares to everyone else, this for some reason, amuses you so much that you start to laugh to yourself. He pulls you aside to a small alleyway, lit by overhead fairy lights. He bends over with his hands on his knees, gasping for air.

"Jesus if I had to run anymore I would actually be coughing up blood." Dan says, red faced and wheezing. He looks at you and smiles, then stands up after finally catching his breath.

"so where are we going?" You ask

"We'll see." He replies, already walking off. You impatiently trail behind him, still curious as to where in the world he is taking you. You turn a corner and Dan stops in his tracks, you look in his direction and see a great big wall, but instead of it being grey or white, the whole wall is covered in bursts of colours and patterns. A projector sits overhead, it displays the ever-changing images that flash before your eyes, it's stunning, you look over to Dan who is still looking at the patterns with a small smile forming on his face.

"this is fantastic!" you tell him, excitedly

He turns towards you, "I know right!"

You look straight into his eyes and grin, then look down at your shoes.

'this is so much fun' you thought to yourself.

You and Dan sit down on the grass and talk for hours, laughing and sharing stories.

I can't stop smilingWhere stories live. Discover now