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Helping two drunks up extremely steep stairs wasn't a piece of cake, but you both managed to heave both of them on Phil's bed, you and dan then stare at the end of the bed looking at the two unconscious bodies. Dan looks at you.

"This doesn't usually happen" he says to you nervously.

You laugh, "its fine."

"do you want to stay here for a little bit?"


"I bet you twenty dollars that I could beat you at Mariokart." He says, grinning

"it's on." You say grinning back.

Dan leads you to his lounge room. The room is filled with colour, nerdy merchandise everywhere you look. Dan sits you down on his soft, fluffy couch and then walks over to the television and starts up the Wii.

"nice lounge" you say, giddy with excitement. Actual Dan Howell has offered to play MarioKart with you in their nerdy living room. You look around, to your left is a bookcase, but only a small amount is filled with books, most of the items on the shelf are DVDs and video games. You look to the corner of the shelf and quietly laugh to yourself at the picture of Dan's scrunched up face while a dog is licking his cheek.

Dan sits next to you and hands you a remote. You select a character for me while I go and find some food. You nod, taking the Wii remote from his hands. You watch as he disappears into the kitchen.

The two of you play Mario Kart for three hours, and after you get bored sit next to each other looking around for something to do. Dan turns to you, "Do you like music?" he smirks.

"Of course! What songs do you have?" you say as you take a bite of a choc chip cookie that was lying on a plate on the coffee table.

"I have quite a variety" he laughs, "what about this?" he starts to play ukulele screamo type music. You kind of like it.

"I like it!" you say to him.

Dan, - pleased that you like his music taste- stands up and walks over to the couch and sits down next to you. You snuggle up to him, the room smells of burnt marshmallows and warmth. You rest your head on Dan's lap and start to bop your head to the music.

You lay there for a while, laughing and talking, then a slower song came on. A calming ukulele strummed to a familiar tune. You and Dan sit up, then Dan rises and holds out his hand, "m'lady." You take his hand, laughing, you both move towards the middle of the room and awkwardly start to dance, every once in a while looking into each other's eyes and smiling. Towards the end of the song he brings you into a hug, him resting his head on yours,



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