Muerte a primera vista

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"There's such a thing as pain without gain, it's in fact more common that the converse..."Synopsis part 43

               Elsewhere in the arena, Duke was fighting a roomful of challengers with his bow and arrows. His weapon was effective when the distance was reasonable. But as the opponents got closer, the bow became obsolete. Duke found himself using the shield function a lot more and that was no way to survive, certainly not a way to win. Fortunately, the challengers didn't seem to be putting much thought into their attacks so, it wasn't very hard for Duke to acquire a sword from one of them. However, the weapon didn't come without a cost either!-Duke was hit several times in the back and cut on the arms. But at the end of the struggle, he had got what he needed and hence could fight more efficiently. As he was preparing to start his offense, there was a big bang from an explosion a good distance away. The shock-waves that followed shook the hall so violently that when they subsided, everyone was disoriented. What was that?!-Duke wondered. It was in fact 'the clash of the Brealas'! This event was the turning point of the confrontation as Duke was now able to launch attacks against the already disoriented opponents. His pattern of attacks was very simple; knock down with the shield, stab and push down then move on to the next one. It helped too that his opponents were attacking each other. The room was still full of fighters but seeing as they had resorted to fighting each other, he dropped the blade and walked away from the chaos into the tunnel. And to think that it was all because of a distant blast that he was finally able to turn his back on the melee! Salvation comes in strange forms but the timing is always perfect...

                          Though he had finally left the fight, markings of it were all over his body. Looking at all the injuries he had sustained, Duke wondered if he would be able to make it through the next round. But there were no worries; it wouldn't make much difference anyway-not for him. The pain spiked all of a sudden and for him, it was pain without any gain. But what am I fighting for?!-He wondered. But is there ever anything we have to fight for?! Or is it just for lack of more interesting things to do?! He got there, to what seemed like the stage for the next round. A very large hall half of which was lit up and the other half very dark. Duke could feel it that indeed, this was the stage of his next confrontation. But there was no sign of any opponent even after he had waited for a long period of time.

"Hello!!" He shouted but the only response was an echo of his own word. Deducing that there was no one else in the hall, Duke decided to move forward. As he took his first step, an arrow was shot toward him and he caught it with his left hand. A second arrow was fired very soon after and he caught this one with his right hand.

"You're not a very good archer!" Duke commented.

"Ohhh! I have you right where I want you." the voice in the dark responded. And Duke saw three arrows headed for his heart! It was too fast, there was nothing he could do about it. His hands were worlds apart and they were each otherwise employed. But the defining factor of the moment were the three very fast arrows. One arrow which was ahead of the rest was shattered upon contact with the armour but it left a dent and that seemed to be its intended purpose. The second arrow tore through the armour as if it were a very thin sheet of paper. The final arrow drilled through the chest cavity into the heart; it had been struck with such power that it sent Duke stumbling several steps back before falling to the floor. His opponent, the winner of this fight, came out of the shadows and looked down on him as he lay on the ground.

"Perhaps the only thing you're good at is being dead!" Duke's opponent mocked him. His sight had begun to deteriorate the instant the arrow broke through his chest. By now, he could barely see. But he didn't have to see to know who his opponent was; for the voice was unmistakable-it was his very own! What if at first sight, you could end up dead! Then the first sight would also be the very last. I guess you're aware then as I am that there's nothing in the universe simpler than death. And there's nothing more permanent...

Hey! this part was a lot shorter than usual because i had actually forgotten about this character when i was planning for the chapter!!:D The title is 'Death at first sight' and i think the meaning is quite clear. Thanks for your time, have a great day;)


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