El Principio De Fin

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SYNOPSIS PART #58: Every single thing has a beginning. Everything, even the end. And this is the beginning of the end.


It seemed the battle had reached its climax as all the holders were completely surrounded by archers except Djen who was having a fight of her own with Sormesa. The clouds darkened and it started drizzling. The puddles on the ground gave the holders a rare opportunity to see their faces one last time-their dripping wet faces. As the arrows began to fly, Djen could see them clearly but that's all she could do. It hurt her deeply-one man's selfishness was about to cost all her colleagues their lives!                                                                                         

"You cannot win." Sormesa said, "And even if you do, it will be too late."                        

Djen didn't say a word in response; she simply closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Over the years she had had to keep her anger bottled in and now, it was time to let it all out. Her hair, clothes and skin began to glow. The wand in her hand morphed into a snow white sword from tip to the handle. All this time, her eyes remained closed. Sormesa tried to cut her but both his blades were shuttered on impact. It's then that he realised that the opponent he was facing was way stronger than he was. For the first time, Sormesa was at a disadvantage and he was very scared.                                                                                                                 

"Are you scared?" Djen asked him. He was trembling but since her eyes were closed, he figured he didn't have to tell the truth.                                                                                     

"Scared of what? I'm not afraid." He answered-a lie. Having lost his blades, Sormesa was only left with defensive options. He made multiple copies of himself hoping it would be hard to point out the real one.                                                   

"You're a fool!" Djen said to him. The rain stopped falling in the area a radius of ten metres around her. With every step she took, the ground around her dried up. If Sormesa was sweating, you couldn't have known because of all the raindrops but he was very terrified-they all were. She pointed her blade in the direction of one of the Sormesas and slashed once. All the buildings in the background perished in an instant. In the foreground, only one Sormesa was left! The flesh had completely been blown off his bones. As the raindrops hit the skeletal frame, it gradually collapsed into a heap of ashes.

Djen jumped back up onto the roof just in time to see her colleagues dying. They had all been hit by hundreds of arrows! Except for Dominus, Chronomus and Smyth who were barely managing to stay on their feet, all the other holders lay on the ground-the cold wet ground. It wasn't because they were too weak. On the contrary, it was because they were too powerful-all of them. So powerful that if any of them had summoned the power they required to win, they would have ended up killing their colleagues who had been pushed too close. All the holders had made a conscious decision to die before hurting any of their own.

From where she stood, Djen felt a perfect mix of guilt and anger. It had been her responsibility to watch their backs but she had failed to do that. The archers surrounding Dominus cleared out a path and the red queen strolled in...                  

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