El precio del una milagro

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---The price of a miracle(part 52)---

"As you pray for a miracle, know that there's a price to be paid..."Constino


 Deep in a night that seemed strangely serene. He couldn't sleep because of his troubled mind. To him knowing had become a curse...

"It has begun!!"Mikalor cried as he suddenly awoke from his sleep.

"What do you mean?!"Tanea, who had be awoken by the cry, asked.

"Zytalia is under attack and it's not alone..."Mikalor revealed.

Meanwhile at the hall of elders, the great red doors swung open and one panting man ran through the infinite passage triggering the lights on and off on his way. He was visibly very exhausted but he persevered because his mission was of utmost importance. When he got to his destination, he raised his right to knock but doors were opened before...

"Are they here?" Dominus asked the man. Then man simply nodded in agreement and then collapsed to the floor. Dominus was unusually calm for the situation, it was as if he had it completely under control or he was resigned to the fate of the city. He sounded a bugle and all the holders were gathered in the hall in no time. They all knew the meaning of the sound-it was urgent and it wasn't good! Dominus uttered only one sentence and they all got the message...

"It has begun!!"

He had said all he had to and now it was time to act. To defend the city, they would need an army- a very big army. In the Krichnd's absence, the duty to keep the peace fell upon Dominus. It was a heavy load to carry even for a person as powerful as Dominus. He moved out of the hall into the hallway and through it knocking on every other door. The huge red doors flung open and he step out to the summit of the steps to the hall...

"How many fighters do you have?!" he asked. This question was directed to a man who had crept up behind him-he was dressed in polished silver armour complete with a helmet.

"How much time do we have?" the man asked back as he stepped forward so that he was level with Dominus at the summit of the steps. Dominus turned and looked deep into the man's helmet slits...

"We do not have anytime..." he responded, "War is upon us."

"Five hundred...a thousand at most." The man revealed, "Enough to push us through the night."

"Good." Dominus said with a forced smile, "That's exactly how long we need to hold up..."

The men emerged from behind the doors draped in full body armour armed swords, spears, shields, bows and arrows. They could barely fill the summit of the stairs! Dominus had lied. No one knew how long the war would last and a handful of fighters were never going to be enough to fend off a humongous army.

"We are here today because our city needs us. We will bleed so that this city does not. We will die so that this city stands. It will be remembered as the night the promise of peace was renewed as the brave warriors of Zytalia stood upon the wall and watched their challengers felled by arrow. The brightest of all nights ever- lit with the departing souls of the red army. And most importantly, the night the good prevailed over evil!" the commander barracked and his small army bellowed back- a cry of ten thousand men from a thousand.

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