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Synopsis part 57: Isn't it tiring? Fighting an enemy who never dies!! 


In her current state, Soycoss could hardly fight, the only hope she had was in the arrival of the other holders. All she could do was keep talking for as long as possible hoping Sormesa wouldn't realise her plan.                                                                

"I don't know about that..." She responded, "I did just beat your minions after all!"                                                                                                                                                     

"I would have been surprised if you had not." Sormesa revealed, "They were only meant to keep you occupied as I disposed of another problem!"                                         

"There's a saying about people like you; the evil are-" Soycoss began to speak.

"Stop." Sormesa interrupted, "Evil?! Let's not get carried away with the name calling. You have just killed an innocent young girl!"                                                                   

The two swords appeared in his hands. It was a situation Soycoss was trying to postpone or avoid completely. As she opened as her mouth to speak, Sormesa beat her to it.                                                                                                                                 

"I know what you're trying to do..." He said, "Trying to delay the inevitable! What's more evil than that?"                                                                                                        

He moved forward and attacked slashing left and then right. On both occasions Soycoss was able to evade the blades but she tripped and fell on her back. It was a very painful fall and it opened many of the wounds that were healing. She couldn't move any part of her body except her eyes that wandered about. Soycoss looked up at the sky and saw it; a giant crack stretching across the dome! It was from this mega crack that smaller ones developed in all directions. Before long, the halo of slakav would be gone and the city would be up for the taking. The fate of the city of peace would soon be in the hands of the enemy. As Sormesa stood over her and raised one of his blades to deliver the final blow, Soycoss closed her eyes and a tear rolled into her hair. Just as he was about to bring down the blade...                                                                                                                       

"I wouldn't do that if I were you..." A feminine voice spoke. Soycoss opened her eyes and Sormesa looked back. It was Djen! She was holding what looked like a white wand in her right hand. In the time Sormesa used to turn around, all the injuries Soycoss had sustained were transferred to him and he fell to the ground. Soycoss stood up swiftly and ran over to Djen to give her a hug.                                 

"I thought was going to die!" She confessed. Djen was not a very emotional kind of person so, the whole hug situation was awkward for her. Being significantly shorter than her, Soycoss only managed to wrap her arms a bit above Djen's waist. Djen raised her right hand and stroked Soycoss' hair.                                                           

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