Where She Was All Alone - And So Was I

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Jeff's POV

As days passed, me and Tatiana remained only mommy and daddy, taking care of our children. To be honest, I felt she didn't love me anymore. There was no kind of romance, she had taken a random trip to California with MY children and the whole incident with Michael? I was losing my wife. How am I supposed to handle these things? How can I repair anything when the more I try, the more she pushes away?

I was in the kitchen when I watched her come down the steps. As soon as she took the last step, I witnessed her becoming weak. She held her head and clasped right before my eyes.

"Tatiana, baby what's wrong?" I said as I ran by her side. She yelled out in pain. I began seeing her hold her stomach. Blood trickled down the sides of her legs. These are certainly signs of pregnancy or unfortunately something other...

I picked her up and rushed her to the car. In minutes, we arrived at the hospital - where our fate lied in the hands of doctors.

3 Hours Later

Tatiana's POV
I woke up to a very white, pure room. Blinking my eyes, my mind thought about the only thing that I cared about in this moment: my unborn child.

The beautiful child that was created with the love of my life - Michael. Our bundle of joy.

When a doctor finally came into the room, I wasted no time asking him questions.

"Is my baby okay? I am pregnant. Please tell me my baby is okay."

"Tatiana, I am truly sorry. You've had a miscarriage. We know now that one of the main factors was stress. Your blood pressure rose to a very risky temperature and it caused the baby's pressure to go up as well. I am so sorry."

Tears welled up in my eyes as I began feeling empty. In this moment, Michael was the only person that I wanted. He's upset with me, he won't even talk to me. I am going to suffer and deal with this loss all alone. I sobbed uncontrollably, feeling like I couldn't go on anymore.

Jeff's POV

I sat in the waiting room. How could she have not told me that she pregnant? They said she was 13 weeks. She HAD to have known. I'm over here in the dark about EVERYTHING involving her when I'm supposed to be the person who understands and knows her the most.

Even though she pushes me away, I'm going to have to stop being a wimp and be there for her during this rough time.  


I recently was asked to continue this story by a great friend. You know who you are. Thank you for inspiring me to write this part. I hope everyone enjoys.


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