//Two // Maiya's POV//

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I stirred awake as I rolled over to the other side of the bed. It was warm, as if someone hadn't been gone from it too long. But from the imprint left in the pillow and sheets, it wasn't me.

I blinked the remaining sleep away from my eyes as I pushed myself into an upright position. My eyes adjusted to the dark room one more. No one seemed to be around.

I pushed myself out of bed and stumbled over towards the door I'd seen Kylo walk out of last night. It didn't open, even as I pushed against it. I sighed and walked back further into the room. I frowned as I caught a whiff of something... 

Me. It was me. I was in desperate need of a shower, and fresh clothes as well seeing as the rags I called pants and a robe were stained and tearing at the seams. I sighed, deciding I'd ask about that whenever he returned.

I decided to entertain myself by looking around the room. There wasn't much too it, really simple actually with a place for clothes, a bed, a chair, and a small table. The only interesting thing in the room was the smashed, damaged helmet residing on that pedestal across from the chair. I walked over and began examining it without moving it.

It certainly looked familiar. I felt... Wrong, though. A strange sense of... Something radiated off of it.

At the sound of the door sliding open and footsteps walking in, I jumped nearly ten feet in the air. I looked towards the door where Kylo stood.

He froze as he saw me by the busted helmet.

"What are you doing?" he demanded.

I stammered, "I-I uh... I was just looking, I swear! There isn't much to do in here, and-"

He held his hand up to silence me, though he didn't use the force on me.

"I know being cooped up in here isn't exactly... One's idea of enjoyment. At least, probably not you. But this is the safest place for you."

I asked quickly, "Why? Why didn't you let me die with the others?"

He avoided the question, "You wanted to bathe and receive clean clothes. I'll get you fresh clothes, follow me please."

His voice was a strain, almost as if he were pleading with me to just go along with him. Ugh, was I really going to feel something along the lines of... What, sympathy?

Kylo Ren, the being responsible for the death of.... No, I couldn't even say it...

"Will you ever give me the answers I want?" I asked loudly in frustration, my own voice pleading. Within seconds he was inches from me, leaning down towards me. My eyes widened as I stared up, holding my breath.

"I have given you no reason to doubt me, have I? You can judge me by the things you think you know, or you can stop and think about what I'm doing for you. This isn't something I do, now is it? For once in your life, you need to trust someone. And I'm that person you need to trust."

I forced the words out of my mouth, though they came out in a pleading whisper, "Please, just tell me."

He reached his black leather gloved hand up, almost as if he wanted to touch my face, but slowly dropped it back down. "I promise you answers in time. Can you accept that?"

Did I have a choice?

I silently nodded and followed him as he led me to another room connected to his.

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