// Four // Maiya's POV //

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I woke to an empty room. The soft black sheets were pulled around me as if maybe Kylo had done it before he left. I smiled as I thought of him, and it scared me. What was I doing? Kylo was one of the bad guys.

I mean, I wasn't exactly a good person... I'd stolen and fought most of my life. 

So was I bad too?

I sighed as I pushed myself up. I was prepared to give up hope on anything to do when I found a book lying in the chair near the bed. A note beside it read;

It's not right to leave you cooped up alone all day with nothing to do.
So I managed to get my hands on a book. Maybe you'll like it, I hope.


I smiled more at the note and thought he put into it. I glanced at the book. It was legends of the Jedi and the Sith. I knew only a few, so I eagerly took the book and found a place in the bed once more and began reading.


I wasn't sure how much time had passed since I was so invested into the book, but Kylo snatched the book out of my hands. "Did you hear me talking?"

I blinked. I didn't even know he was in here.

I shook my head silently, wishing he'd hand me the book back so I could finish.

"Have- have you even eaten yet today?"

I shrugged. Technically no, I hadn't even thought of food once!

He put the book down. "I'll have food brought to us at once."

The second he stepped out of the door I yanked the book off the chair and began reading again.

Unfortunately he returned not even a minute later and promptly removed the book from my hands and placed it somewhere across the room. I frowned.

He began to take his helmet off and sit it down alongside his lightsaber before reducing to nothing but a black long sleeve shirt and pants. He ran a hand through his messy black hair before looking over at me as I stared curiously at him.


I sat up straighter. "You mentioned something about food. Where is it?"

He smiled slightly. "It'll be here soon, promise. Have you been reading all this time I was gone?"

I grin. "Yep! Thanks for that, it's great!"

He says nothing as he walks over to his chair and falls back in it. He looks tired and conflicted. "What's wrong with you?"

He looks up at me, distance in his eyes. He's hardly here at this moment, I can tell. I've been there before.

He sighs. "Just... Nothing, don't worry about it okay?"

I open my mouth to push him, but a knock on the door makes him jump up and rush to get (what I assume is) the food being brought to us.


We eat in silence for the most part, which is fine by me since it allows me to enjoy the amazing cheese, bread, and other glorious foods.

But I steal glances at him while he eats. His dark brown eyes are focused away from me, his hair pushed back. He's tense, and in need of a shower. But I decide against saying anything about it.

A minute passes before she speaks in a low voice, "Is it wrong of me to keep you here?"

I look up at him carefully. What was he asking me exactly? 
But the look in his eyes expressed sincere concern and despair.

"I... Uh- I mean, it's not like I have anyone else or anywhere else to go. Don't get me wrong, you're kind of an asshole for all you do. Killing innocent people? It's awful. But... I would be dead if not for you choosing to spare me. This probably is a selfish thing you're doing, but I guess I'm thankful for it. I would love to hate you for the things you've done. You had some of my friends killed, Kylo. Some people I loved. They were good, honest folk... Unlike me. There is nothing left for me out there. So I guess it'd be wrong if you didn't keep me here. Granted, more freedom would be nice."

He doesn't break his eyes from mine as he says, "I... I want to be sorry for what I did. I'm not, because I'm not the kind of person who kills and then feels bad. But I am sorry that my actions, that I... Caused you to get hurt. You don't deserve that. And you're a... A good person, Maiya. That's why it's selfish of me to keep you, but it's the dark in me that can't let you go."

I let a breathy laugh out; Good. Yeah, right.

"I'm not good, not at all. I'm dishonest, I steal, I lie... I'd say I come by it honest, but that implies I really got to know my family. I didn't. Maybe I'm just corrupt. I guess that means I fit in perfect here. I can see you're not sorry for the things you've done. You would show something if you were, I think. I guess you could be sorry I'm hurt, since we're somehow connected by something. I don't care why you can't let me go. Just... Don't."

He opens his mouth like he wants to speak, but words don't come out. For a moment, he looks more like a little boy who's lost and confused rather than a man who wields the force for the darkside. But I guess that is exactly what he is, a confused little boy who somehow grew up too fast.

I feel angry after I think about what he'd done all over again. But I meant it- I don't want to go. Probably because I would either be dead or alone. And I'm scared of both possible outcomes, so I think staying with him is better. Even if it's a horrible choice on my part.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!
It'll get more exciting soon.


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