The Truth In The Heart

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A.N: This is it. The next double update for this story. Hope you enjoyed.

The four of them got very close to Sherman and Penny and....

Four of them : "Boo!"

It made Sherman and Penny surprised and almost make them fell to the ground.

Mason and Carl : "WE GOT YOU!"
Jill and Abby : "Don't do much daydreaming, love birds."
Sherman and Penny : "First of all, we're not daydreaming, second, we're not love birds."
Jill : "Oh, yeah. Then, what's with the holding-hands-together?"

Sherman and Penny we're very surprised and both blushed madly.

Mason : "Busted!"

The boys then dragged Sherman to the right side and the girls dragged Penny to the left side and it was pretty obvious both of them need a privacy talk.

Mason : "Dude, why's Penny with you?"
Sherman : "What? Is that wrong?"
Carl : "Not like that, I mean you two were enemies a few days ago, and now… you feel like you're in love."
Mason : "Is that true that you like her?"
Sherman : "Okay, I like her, but don't blow it up please."
Mason and Carl : "Okay, will do."

While then, Penny is having a privacy talk with Jill and Abby.

Abby : "Okay now tell us the truth, what was happening with you two."
Jill : "Yeah a few days ago, you fight with him and now it seems like you're dating him. Maybe… oh, you're in love with him."
Penny : "Okay, I admit, I really like him, but don't blow it up, okay!"
Abby and Jill : "Will do."

They both then return back to the seat and having talks and share a few laughs.
At 4 p.m., they still there and intend to go back home and having the last talk.

Mason : "Hey guys, want to hang out somewhere else tomorrow?"
Carl : "Yeah, that's great. I have nothing to do tomorrow."
Jill : "Yeah but where?"
Penny : "How about… Sherman's house?"
Abby : "Really Penny? Really, you suggest something about Sherman?"
Penny : "What? Is that wrong?"
Mason : "Wait, I think it's a great idea."
Carl : "So it's settled that it will be in Sherman's house at… maybe 2 p.m.?"
Six of them : "Yeah!"

So all of them stand up and ready to go home, but Sherman and Penny still in their place and it's like that Sherman wants to tell something to Penny.

Sherman : "Penny?"
Penny : "Yeah, what is it, Sherman?"
Sherman : "Well, I'm so sorry for what happened this morning, I was too stupid by letting anger, sadness and fear controlling myself."
Penny : "Oh Sherman you're not stupid and you don't have to apologize about that thing."

Then Penny straightly hugs Sherman to comfort him and it did really worked well. Then, they went to Mason and Carl and it seems like Mason is daydreaming.

Sherman : "Hey Carl, what happened to Mason?"
Carl : "Well...."


Mason and Carl were standing watching all the girls went home. They both waved good bye to them.

Jill and Abby : "Okay, good bye guys."
Carl : "Okay, good bye."
Mason : "Yeah good bye, my sweet Abby."
Carl : "My sweet Abby?"
Mason : "Yeah, did you see how sweet she talks, laughs, and walks? It's so elegant and such a sweet at the same time."

End Of The Flashback

Carl : "... and after that, he's only daydreaming, thinking about Abby and somehow... he's in love with her."
Sherman and Penny : "Ohh...."
Sherman : "Okay, Mr. Fall in love boy...."

Sherman then snapped his fingers and wake Mason up from his daydreaming.

While With Jill And Abby

Jill and Abby are now near the street and ready to go home.

Jill : "Hey Abby, do you realized that Mason called you 'my sweet Abby'?"
Abby : "Really? I didn't know that."
Jill : "Yeah, I heard it clearly."
Abby : "Well then, I'll ask him later. Bye, Jill."
Jill : "Bye, Abby."

Suddenly when Jill is a bit far from Abby, a strange man gripped Abby tightly. She tried to scream to ask for a help.


The man then shuts Abby's mouth to avoid her to shout to get any help.

The man : "Shut up and I'll let you live. If you dare to do anything, I will harm you mercilessly."

The man snarled and it made Abby very terrified. The man then take Abby to a van, but Abby squirm and try to run away.
While with Jill who had heard Abby's scream, followed the sound and found Abby being carried to a van by a man and she seems to squirm.

Jill : "Oh no, Abby. Hang on, I'll look for help."

Jill then runs back to the park to look for any help and she's lucky that her friends are still there.

Jill : "Guys, guys!"
Carl : "Jill? Where's Abby?"

Jill is panting, trying to take a little breath and then started to speak.

Jill : "Abby is... is...."
Mason : "What's wrong with Abby?"
Jill : "Abby is kidnapped by a man!"
Four of them : "What?"
Jill : "Yeah, it's true."
Mason : "Don't worry Abby, I'll save you."
Sherman, Penny and Carl : "Wait for us, Mason."

Then all of them run to save Abby from being kidnapped.

To be continued

A.N: So now we already know that Mason showing some affections to Abby. Now how will they save Abby? And what about the other's love story? They're all going to be in the "First Love, First Kiss" section for the last 3 chapters. See you later.

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