First Love, First Kiss (Part 3)

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A.N: This is (I think) what you've been waiting for. Enjoy this Sherman and Penny's love story!

It's the night after their small "party" in the penthouse, and of course after the romantic momentum of Carl and Jill. It's already 8 p.m. and Sherman is now on his pajamas, ready to go to bed, but suddenly he remembered something he forgot to tell to Penny earlier. So he got his phone and dialed Penny's number. Then, Penny picked it up.

Penny : "Hello, Sherman?"
Sherman : "Yeah hello, Penny, I have a question."
Penny : "Okay, but quick. Please say something sweet to me!"
Sherman : "Well, I was thinking, would you... c-come to my house for a sleepover this weekend?"
Penny : "Aww, but it's still good than nothing. Okay, thank you, we could discuss over things tomorrow."
Sherman : "Okay then, good night Penny. Good job, Sherman, good job."
Penny : "Yeah, good night, Sherman!"

After all the "good nights", the two hung up and prepare to sleep. Mr. Peabody, who heard Sherman talks with his phone, entered his room to give him a good night.

Mr. Peabody : "Umm, whose that, Sherman?"
Sherman : "Uhh... Penny."
Mr. Peabody : "Now, what did you plan now?"
Sherman : "About sleepover this weekend in our house."
Mr. Peabody : "Okay, I could agree with that, but you won't go to any of WABAC trips because I'm still busy taking all of those things back to the present."
Sherman : "Okay, Mr. Peabody, good night."
Mr. Peabody : "Good night, Sherman."

After giving him a warm "good night", Mr. Peabody put off Sherman's glasses and giving a pat on his head for a good night sleep. All of them sleep well in the night, without any nightmares.
After the long and peaceful night, the morning finally came, and lucky for Sherman, it's already Friday, which means it's almost weekend and almost time for the sleepover. Sherman woke up earlier than usual, although the school will start on Monday, and it's very obvious that he's happy because of the sleepover. He then takes a shower and dressed up to his casual white shirt and black shorts. He then went to the dining room to have his breakfast.

Sherman : "Hello, Mr. Peabody. What's for breakfast?"
Mr. Peabody : "Hmm... I thought, how about waffles?"
Sherman : "That sounds good."
Mr. Peabody : "Okay, I'll prepare it. Sit down on the chair!"
Sherman : "Yes sir, Mr. Peabody."

Then, Mr. Peabody cooked some waffles for himself and Sherman for their breakfast. After breakfast, Sherman runs to his room to get his phone, but within seconds, his phone rang and it is Penny.

Sherman : "Oh, it's Penny. (picking up phone) Hello, Penny."
Penny : "Oh, hello Sherman. So, about the sleepover...."
Sherman : "Yeah, well how about you come here at 5 p.m.?"
Penny : "Umm... maybe it'll be at 7 p.m. I have told my parents and they will come too."
Sherman : "Why?"
Penny : "Don't you remember the last dinner, when we almost destroyed the world?"
Sherman : "Yeah."
Penny : "Well, let's redo that dinner so that it'll be a perfect dinner."
Sherman : "Okay, I'll tell Mr. Peabody about that. Bye, Penny."
Penny : "Bye, Sherman."

The both then hung up. Sherman then ran to tell Mr. Peabody to redo the dinner.

Sherman : "Mr. Peabody!"

Mr. Peabody, who read the newspaper, glances to Sherman.

Mr. Peabody : "Oh, yes Sherman?"
Sherman : "Well, Penny told us that her parents will come to redo the last dinner."
Mr. Peabody : "Hmm... I could settle that. I'll come earlier to cooked dinner."

So they have settled to redo the dinner tonight. Some hours passed by, and it's time for the dinner. Mr. Peabody decided to cook spaghetti with meatballs, lasagna and some tiramisu for the dinner. It's now 7 p.m. and the Petersons finally arrived. The both father and son greet them warmly. Sherman then led Penny into his room.

Penny : "So Sherman, what are we going to do now?"
Sherman : "Well, I don't know, maybe we could heard Mr. Peabody playing piano, I heard Turkish March from the living room."
Penny : "Well, let's go."

So the two went to the living room and saw both Penny's parents, Paul and Patty Peterson, sitting and listening to Mr. Peabody playing piano. Paul then glanced and looked to both Sherman and Penny.

Paul : "Oh, I thought you're having fun in Sherman's room."
Penny : "No, we got bored and we decided to heard Mr. Peabody playing piano."
Patty : "Well, sit down. After this he'll play Fur Elise and then... it's dinner time."

After that, Sherman and Penny sit down together with Penny's parents for the rest minutes until dinner. The Turkish March finally ended and it's time for the last, Fur Elise. Mr. Peabody starts playing. Sherman and Penny then discuss about Carl's piano playing skills.

Penny : "Sherman, do you remember yesterday?"
Sherman : "You mean when Carl played Fur Elise?"
Penny : "Yeah, he's almost as good as Mr. Peabody."

After that, they continued to listen to Mr. Peabody until the Fur Elise ended. After that, all of them went to the dining room and found spaghetti with meatballs and lasagna on the table and besides the dinner plate, there're some tiramisus. Then all of them going to the table and sit on the chair to enjoy the delicious dinner. After the amazing Italian dinner, Penny's parents went home and Penny and Sherman went to change into their PJ and ready to go to bed. Penny then accidently steps on something, which is the pocket knife that Sherman used to "almost" kill himself. She then picked it and decided to give it to Mr. Peabody. She then entered Mr. Peabody's room to hand him the pocket knife.

Penny : "Uh... Mr. Peabody?"
Mr. Peabody : "Yes, Ms. Petersons."
Penny then hand him the pocket knife.
Mr. Peabody : "Oh, my pocket knife. Thank you Penny, where did you find it?"
Penny : "I found it in Sherman's room. A day after the dinner which we travelled with the WABAC, Sherman almost used this to kill him. I felt bad to tell you, but I think it's the best for you to know."
Mr. Peabody : "Well, thank you to find my pocket knife and to tell about it."
Penny : "Anyway, how come it was in Sherman's room?"
Mr. Peabody : "Well... it was a year ago. I went to the shop to buy ingredients to make dinner. I left Sherman alone in the penthouse. I thought it'll be safe, but it was wrong. Then, two thieves come to our house and the thieves tied Sherman in his room and took a laptop from my room, and then they left. After I go back, I saw Sherman in his room tied up. I cut the rope with the pocket knife and after that, he told me the story and then, I forgot to take the pocket knife and maybe I left it there for an hour."
Penny : "Oh... I'll go to bed now, good night Mr. Peabody."
Mr. Peabody : "Good night, Penny."

After that, Penny went back to Sherman's room. Sherman was waiting for her and they played some games and talk a little, then they were ready to sleep.
It's already 11 p.m. and all of them fast asleep, but Penny didn't sleep peacefully because she had a nightmare.

In Penny's Nightmare

Penny and Sherman are on the street, walked back to the penthouse. Then, suddenly a man approached them and then grabbed Penny. She yelled and asked for help to Sherman.

Penny : "Sherman, help!"
Sherman : "Don't worry Penny, I'll save you."

But before Sherman could do anything, the man shoots him in the chest, and then he died within seconds. Penny ran to him, try to make sure if he's still alive.

Penny : "Sherman! Sherman! NOOO!"

Back Into Real World

Penny woke up in a gasp. She then walked to Sherman who already awake, because of her scream.

Penny : "Sherman!"

She then straightly hugs him. Sherman hugged her back.

Sherman : "Penny? What's wrong?"
Penny : "Well... I had a nightmare. I thought you're dead."
Sherman : "Don't worry Penny, I'm here, I'm not die."
Penny : "Uhh... Sherman, may I sleep with you tonight?"
Sherman : "Okay."
Penny : "Oh, thanks Sherman!"

She then kissed Sherman on the lips. He was surprised at first, but he kissed her back. Then, they broke apart and fell asleep without any nightmares.


A.N: How's this story goes? As I said, this chapter will be told twice in the next book. Please give some votes and comments so I can know what you think, see you later.

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